
文摘   2023-04-24 10:59   台湾  


海德格尔 哲学导论

每周二德语   晚上 7:00-8:30   04-25—05-23
每周三英语   晚上7:00-8:30    04-26—05-24
课程时长:90 分钟/节,持续5周,共5节课。


Hier ist ein Preview:
Ein Einblick in die Ankündigung der ersten Vorlesung in unserer WeChat Gruppe:

Welcome everyone to the course: Introduction to Heidegger’s Philosophy. First Course on Wednesday, April 26th, 7pm on Tencent Meeting.

We will talk about the Origin of Heidegger’s Philosophy. Who were his teachers, who were the major influences. Questions include:
• Who was Heidegger?
• What is his philosophy about?
• Why is Heidegger popular and important?
• Who are famous Heidegger students and scholars, and where can we study Heidegger today?
• How do we read Heidegger? Where do we start?

We also talk about Heidegger’s religious background. How important is Christianity for H's Philosophy?
You might have heard about Husserl as one of Heidegger’s most important teachers, but have you ever heard the name Carl Braig or Emil Lask?

As a preparation for the first lecture you can read GA66, 411-417. For advanced students: take a look at Th. Kisiel’s article. Every article and text excerpt is shared here in this WeChat group.

If you want, feel free to introduce yourself after joining this group. First time reading Heidegger? What are you studying? Where are you from?

Thanks for participating. See you Wednesday.

Hier ist ein Überblick über die Themen der 5 Vorlesungen:

Description of the Content of the 5 Lectures

1. Lecture: Martin Heidegger's Origin,
(April 25th in German, April 26th in English)
Who were the major influences for the Early Heidegger?
Heidegger's Catholicism, his Faith, his early encounters with Philosophy, his Teachers.
Carl Braig, Franz Brentano, Emil Lask, Heinrich Rickert, Edmund Husserl, and their impact on Heidegger's philosophy.

2. Lecture: Heidegger's Philosophy of Life,
(May 2nd and 3rd)
The Main Ideas of Heidegger's Earliest Lectures:
Phenomenology as "Ursprungswissenschaft" and the Philosophy of Life as a Philosophy of the Pre-Theoretical.
The Significance of Heidegger's Phenomenology of the Self.

Lecture 3: Hermeneutics and Ontology,
(May 9th and 10th)
From "Life as such" to "Being". Heidegger's Existential-Ontological Turn in the Mid 1920s.
Heidegger's Reading of Aristotle, his Criticism of Husserl, and the transformation of categories and the "a priori".

Lecture 4: Heidegger's Being and Time,
(May 16th and 17th)

What you need to know about Heidegger's most famous work.
One path leads to Temporality and one leads to Historicality. Either, or?
How does the analysis of the human being (Dasein) lead to Being (Sein)?

Lecture 5: The Early and the Late Heidegger
(May 23rd and 24th)
Is there a Heidegger 1 and a Heidegger 2? Is there a turning point in the middle? What is the difference between the early and the late Heidegger?
We will discuss core ideas of Heidegger's so called "turning". We will talk about the Late Heidegger.
I will also introduce you to the "continuation thesis": A proposition according to which there is a continuity in Heidegger's philosophy.

If you only want to attend one lecture, please contact the course-assistant on WeChat, Wolfgang0626. One lecture is 100 RMB (for 90 Minutes). The optional 1:1 interview is only part of the full-course. If you have questions, please ask the course-assistant.

Phänomenologie und Hermeneutik auf Deutsch, Englisch und Chinesisch. 西方哲学文论(现象学与阐释学)中文|德文|英文