In two days, on Friday, June 23rd, our new course on Heidegger's Being and Time begins! One of the most important philosophy books of all time!
If you want to join, please send a message to the course-assistant.
Please Add: Wolfgang0626
Course language: English
The price is 450 RMB for 450 Minutes (5 lectures).
Every Friday: 7:00-8:30 pm.
We will read the English translation of Being and Time; but the Chinese translation can also be used.
The 5 lectures will be recorded and the attendants get a private link to download the recordings for rewatching them.
Questions can be asked at any time during the lectures and in our WeChat Group. I will give advice for further studies and further research and on secondary literature.
In the first lecture (June 23rd), we will talk about the Introduction to Being and Time (pp. 1-41). What's special about this course on Being and Time is that we will focus on the philosophical themes and problems. The goal is to understand what Being and Time is about, what is at stake, why write a book about "Being", why is "Being" a question worthy of 436 pages. This means, we put the emphasis on understanding the problems ---
First Lecture: Ontology and the Being Question, Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, and the problem of "where and how must philosophy begin?"
In the following lectures, we will discuss: the difference between ontological and ontical (the ontological difference), the problems with subject-object dichotomy (vs. being-in-the-world), the limitations of the theoretical attitude, the equiprimordiality of the existentials, the methodological significance of moods and emotions, and "care" as the Being of Dasein.
We will cover the first division of Being and Time in these 5 weeks. A second course on the second division will follow. Students are invited to *read along* as we go through the main topics of Being and Time. The text will be shared in our WeChat Group.
If you want to take a look and decide whether this course is the right one for you, simply join the first lecture (for 90 RMB).
If you want to join, please send a message to the course-assistant.
Please Add: Wolfgang0626
The price is 450 RMB for 450 Minutes of lectures.
Every Friday: 7:00-8:30 pm.
授课老师 Dr. Karl Kraatz
生于德国柏林,哲学家,汉学研究者,副教授,高校教师,海外青年人才计划。毕业于德国柏林自由大学、马尔堡大学、德累斯顿工业大学,从业于比利时鲁汶大学、中国湖南大学。研究领域为海德格尔哲学、现象学、诠释学、超越论哲学。他的代表作有:The Methodology of Heidegger's Philosophy (2020), Bringing Being to Language (2022); 10 articles and book chapters in various journals: including "Heidegger's Transcendental Ontology" in Idealistic Studies (2022), "Heidegger's Self-Criticism in Being and Time", in Review of Metaphysics (2022), "Resoluteness as Heidegger's Philosophical Method", in Synthesis Philosophica (2022). (详细请见 ), More Articles forthcoming in 2023/24.