在这里,作者报告了一个独立的三维共价有机框架(3D COF)膜,通过其互连的3D离子纳米通道进行有效的OH-转运。大面积、均匀连接的COF膜,直径为8厘米,厚度为20微米,采用界面聚合策略,辅助以聚丙烯腈膜的牺牲模板来制备。
在微观水平上,咪唑盐构建单元的引入导致了3D COF的非萜烯化结构,为OH-传导创造了3D交互式连续亲水通道。3D COF膜表现出高电导率(在80°C、100%湿度下为169 mS/cm ),并在H2/O2单电池测试中实现了160 mW/cm2的峰值功率密度。
Figure 1. Synthesis and structure of 3D COFs. Synthetic condition and structures of TAM-BFBIm-iCOF, TAM-BFBZ-COF, and TAM-TPDACOF.
Figure 2. Structure and crystallinity. (a) The 1-fold interpenetrated dia topology and PXRD pattern of TAM-BFBIm-iCOF (b) The 7-fold interpenetrated dia topology and PXRD pattern of TAM-BFBZ-COF. (c) The 7-fold interpenetrated dia topology and PXRD pattern of TAM-TPDA-COF.
Figure 3. Preparation and structure of the TAM-BFBIm-iCOF membrane. (a) Schematic diagram for TAM-BFBIm-iCOF membrane preparation and the formation process. (b) XRD patterns and photographs of the TAM-BFBIm-iCOF membrane (black) and TAM-BFBIm-iCOF powder (pink). (c) SEM images and TEM image (upper right) of the TAM-BFBIm-iCOF membrane. (d) SEM cross-sectional image and EDS maps of the TAM-BFBIm-iCOF membrane and the corresponding distribution of carbon, bromine, nitrogen, and oxygen.
Figure 4. Structure and hydroxide conductivity of the membrane. (a) Schematic diagram of hydroxide transfer in the TAM-BFBIm-iCOF membrane. (b) Nyquist plots were obtained at different temperatures for the TAM-BFBIm-iCOF membrane. (c) Arrhenius activation energy of the TAM-BFBIm-iCOF membrane for hydroxide ion conductivity. (d) Polarization and power density curves of the TAM-BFBIm-iCOF membrane tested in the H2/O2 single-cell AEMFC at 60 °C and 100% RH.