Figure 1. a) Synthesis scheme of template-induced approach toward hierarchical porosity in ??-ketoenamine COFs. b) XRPD patterns and c) FTIR-ATR spectra of the pristine and the hierarchical COF vs. the zinc oxide loaded version.
Figure 2. TEM analysis of a) ZnO@TpBz with dense regions attributed to ZnO NP as shown by FFT in the inset and b) hTpBz with absence of the dark ZnO particles and secondary textural pores at the brighter spots exemplified by red dotted circles. Size estimation of ZnO NPs (ZnO@TpBz, ≈18 nm) and the induced mesopores (hTpBz, ≈17 nm) was performed via an image analysis software (ImageJ 1.54e).
Figure 3. a) SAXS profiles of the (h)TpBz system in double-logarithmic representation, with the TpBz (blue), ZnO@TpBz (yellow), hTpBz (red), and the ZnO NP suspension (gray). SAXS profiles of b) TpBz and c) hTpBz and the residual curves (turquoise) resulting from subtracting the power law description of the low q (0.017 – 0.15 Å−1) scattering from experimental data.
Figure 4. N2 adsorption isotherms of non-hierarchically and hierarchically porous a) TpBz, b) TpTPD, and c) TpQPD systems.
Figure 5. a) PFG-NMR spin-echo attenuation for MeCN loaded TpBz and hTpBz. Lines represent fits with a bi-exponential model. b) Faradaic efficiencies (FE) of the CoTPP loaded (h)TpBz COFs at different potentials.