在这里,作者通过将主体大环18-冠-6 (18C6)引入到含钴酞菁(CoPc)的共价有机框架(COF)中,开发了一种实现LEF的超分子策略。
具有这种超分子构建的LEF的COF在光催化CO2还原反应(CO2RR)中实现了高达7.79 mmol mmolCo–1h–1的活性,与没有18C6单元的同类产品相比,提高了180%。
Scheme 1. Schematic Representation of the Synthesis of CoPc-TPA and CoPc-TPA-CE under Solvothermal Conditions
Figure 1. Structural and characterization of CoPc-TPA and CoPc-TPA-CE. Experimental PXRD of (a) CoPc-TPA and (d) CoPc-TPA-CE and simulated PXRD from models in the P4/MMM and I422 space groups, respectively. Top and side views of a graphical representation of (b and c) CoPc-TPA and (e and f) CoPc-TPA-CE with AA stacking, respectively (C, light gray; N, blue; O, red; H, white.). To visualize the arrangement of crown ethers in CoPc-TPA-CE, one of the two layers is marked with cyan. (g) SEM and (h) TEM (inset of h: locally enlarged TEM image) images of CoPc-TPA.
Figure 2. (a) Comparison of the FT-IR spectra of TPA, TPA-CE, CoTAPc, CoPc-TPA, and CoPc-TPA-CE. The Co K-edge EXAFS spectra of (b) CoPc-TPA, CoPc, and Co foil, and (c) CoPc-TPA-CE, CoPc, and Co foil. High-resolution Co 2p XPS spectra of (d) CoPc-TPA and (e) CoPcTPA-CE.
Figure 3. UV−vis-NIR spectra (inset: Tauc plot) and Mott−Schottky plots of (a, c) CoPc-TPA and (b, d) CoPc-TPA-CE.
Figure 4. Photocatalytic CO2RR performance of Ru(bpy)3Cl2, CoPcTPA, and CoPc-TPA-CE in the absence and presence of KF, KCl, KBr, or KI. To accurately evaluate the catalytic performance of the two materials, the activity values are normalized based on the equivalents of Co active sites.
Figure 5. Mechanistic investigation of the electric ffeld-regulated photocatalytic CO2RR. In situ DRIFTS of CO2RR catalyzed by (a) CoPc-TPA and (b) CoPc-TPA-CE under visible light irradiation. (c) Gibbs free energy diagrams for the reduction of CO2 to CO catalyzed by CoPc-TPA, CoPc-TPA-CE, and K+@CoPc-TPA-CE. Electrostatic potential diagrams of (d) CoPc-TPA-CE and (e) K+@CoPc-TPA-CE before and after the introduction of K+ (the color gradient from red to blue represents the potential change from negative to positive; isovalue: 0.05). (f) Gibbs free energy diagram after hydrogen bonding between counteranions K+@18C6 and *COOH.