Figure 1. a) Synthetic strategy for preparing COF─CN─COOH, COF─CN─NH2, and COF─CN@sPIM-1. The inset shows a photograph of the COFs. b,c) Structural models of COF─CN─COOH and COF─CN─NH2 (C atoms: gray; Basic site (triazine ring): blue; Acidic site (─COOH, ─OH): red. d) Conceptual illustration of the covalent-linking strategy for the compatibility reinforcement in the MMM fabrication from COF─CN and PIM-1.
Figure 2. a) XRD patterns. b) IR spectra. COF─CN (black), COF─CN─COOH (pink), COF─CN─NH2 (orange), sPIM-1 (green), 20%COF─CN/PIM-1 (cyan), 20%COF─CN@sPIM-1 (blue), 30%COF─CN/PIM-1 (purple-red), 30%COF─CN@sPIM-1 (purple). c) XPS spectra of N 1s orbitals for COF─CN (top), COF─CN─COOH (middle), and COF─CN─NH2 (bottom). d) 13C CPMAS solid-state NMR spectra of COF─CN (top), COF─CN─COOH (middle), and COF─CN─NH2 (bottom).
Figure 3. SEM images of a) COF─CN, b) COF─CN─COOH, c) COF─CN─NH2. d) Photos of PIM-1 CHCl3 solution, COF─CN and PIM-1 solution, free-standing 20%COF─CN/PIM-1, and 20%COF─CN@sPIM-1 membranes. e) EDS of 20%COF─CN@sPIM-1 membrane. Top-view SEM images of f,g) 20%COF─CN@sPIM-1, h) 30%COF─CN@sPIM-1. i) Cross-sectional SEM images of 20%COF─CN@sPIM-1. 3D AFM image of j) 20%COF─CN@sPIM-1, k) 30%COF─CN@sPIM-1 with roughness parameters.
Figure 4. a) N2 sorption isotherms at 77 K of COF─CN, COF─CN─COOH, and COF─CN─NH2. CO2 sorption isotherms at b) 273 K, c) 298 K. d) The corresponding CO2 isosteric heats of adsorption (Qst) data using Clausius-Clapeyron equation.
Figure 5. a) Catalytic performance. b) Recyclability of COF─CN─COOH, COF─CN─NH2, and 20%COF─CN@sPIM-1 membrane for five cycles.
Figure 6. a) Proposed mechanism for CO2 cycloaddition with epichlorohydrin. b) Energy profile for the reaction with different catalysts via DFT calculation. (IM: intermediates, TS: transition states, P: product) c) DFT-optimized geometric structures of the reaction determining step (RDS) in cycloaddition reaction. The red, gray, white, blue, green, and brown balls represent O, C, H, N, Cl and Br atoms, respectively.