这种改性不仅增强了过氧单硫酸盐在Cu活性位点的吸附,而且促进了快速电子转移并促进了选择性羟基自由基的产生。与CuSA/Obq-COF (Eb = 25.6 meV)相比,CuSA/Ace-COF (Eb = 12.2 meV)显示磺胺甲恶唑降解的假一级速率常数增加了39.5倍(0.434min-1)。
Fig. 1 | Structure and synthesis. Illustrations for the structure and synthesis of COFs and CuSA/COFs.
Fig. 2 | Characterization of the chemical structure and morphology. a FTIR spectra of linker monomers and COFs. b 13C ss-NMR spectra of Obq-COF and AceCOF. SEM images of c CuSA/Obq-COF and d CuSA/Ace-COF; the insets show the corresponding TEM and EDS elemental mapping images. AC-HAADF-STEM images of e CuSA/Obq-COF and f CuSA/Ace-COF, with the yellow circle highlighting the single-atom Cu feature.
Fig. 3 | Characterization of the coordination structures and chemical states. a Cu K-edge XANES spectra and b FT k2-weighted χ(k)-function of EXAFS of CuSA/ Ace-COF, Cu-foil, CuO, and CuPc. c EXAFS fitting curves of CuSA/Ace-COF in R space; the insets show the corresponding structure. d N 1 s XPS spectrum and e Cu 2p XPS spectrum of CuSA/COFs. f Calculated charge density difference for CuSA/ Obq-COF and CuSA/Ace-COF with the isosurfaces value of 0.001 e/Å, where yellow represents electron-rich regions and green represents electron-deficient regions.
Fig. 4 | Photo-Fenton performance and ROS identification.
Fig. 5 | Exciton dissociation and free charge carrier dynamics. a UV-Vis diffuse reflectance spectra of CuSA/COFs. Steady-state PL spectra with a function of the reciprocal temperature of b CuSA/Obq-COF and c CuSA/Ace-COF; the insets display the PL spectra at varying temperatures. 2D pseudo-color maps of d CuSA/Obq-COF and e CuSA/Ace-COF, and their corresponding fs-TA spectra under several representative probe delays:f CuSA/Obq-COF and g CuSA/Ace-COF. Kinetics decay profile probed at 520 nm of h CuSA/Obq-COF and i CuSA/Ace-COF.
Fig. 6 | Enhanced mechanism and environmental application.