题 目:Highway to health: Microbial pathways of soil organic carbon accrual in conservation farming systems
译 名:健康之路:保护性农业系统中土壤有机碳积累的微生物途径
期 刊:Geoderma
第一作者:Sabine Huber
通讯作者:Christoph Rosinger
与传统农业系统相比,保护性农业系统土壤中的可提取有机碳(+22%)、微生物生物量碳(+29%)和残体碳储量(+11%)大幅增加。所有三种土壤利用系统之间的差异在表层土壤(0-5 cm)中非常明显,而在更深的土壤层中则下降。结构方程模型揭示了土壤有机碳储存途径对土壤利用系统的不同影响,其中微生物介导的(“体内”)周转和直接吸附是最主要的途径。此外,作物轮作和耕作强度的多样性被确定为影响保护性农业管理中可提取有机碳和脱碳酶活性的最重要因素。农场方法表明,增加生物可利用的碳输入和减少土壤扰动是耕地土壤中微生物控制SOC累积的关键驱动因素,并且具有扩展植物覆盖率和增加作物多样性的保护性农业系统可以显著促进土壤健康的恢复。
Fig. 1. (a) Extractable organic C (EOC), (b) microbial biomass C (MB-C), (c) potential activity of C-liberating enzymes, and (d) microbial necromass-C of conventional farming, conservation farming and reference soil systems at 0–5, 5–20 and 20–35 cm soil depth (n = 21). C-liberation comprises the sum activity of ß-glucosidase, ß-xylosidase and cellobiohydrolase. Microbial necromass-C is the sum of mannosamine-C, muramic acid-C, galactosamine-C and glucosamine-C. Total stocks for (a), (b) and (d) represent the sum of all three soil depths, while total amount for C-liberation activity (c) entails the weighted average of the three depth intervals. Different letters beside bars indicate significant differences between soil use systems (p < 0.05; n.s., not significant) as revealed by paired sample t-tests using a Bonferroni correction for multiple pairwise comparisons. Error bars represent standard errors of the mean.Fig. 2. Influential pathways of SOC storage through biochemical parameters (EOC, extractable organic C; MB-C, microbial biomass C; C-liberation, the sum of C-acquiring enzymatic activities; Microbial Necromass-C, the sum of mannosamine-C, muramic acid-C, galactosamine-C, and glucosamine-C). The path analysis considers direct sorption (grey, dotted line), ex-vivo modification (green, dashed lines) and in-vivo turnover (red lines) in (a) conventional farming, (b) conservation farming and (c) reference soil systems. Lines with numbers represent direct paths and the standardized path coefficients. Black and bold numbers indicate significant (p < 0.05) coefficients, while grey numbers indicate non-significant coefficients. Sample size (n) and χ2 of the obtained model are noted for each soil use system. Further details of the model can be found in Table S1.Table 1. Results of linear mixed models (LMM) on the effect of soil texture and agricultural management (tillage intensity, crop diversity, cover- and inter cropping) on the relative difference (in kg ha−1 cm−1) in EOC, MB-C, microbial necromass-C contents as well as C-liberation between conservation and conventional farming systems (n = 63). Given are F- and p-values of the fixed effects. Significant parameters are highlighted in bold, and the Akaike and Bayesian information criteria (AIC and BIC, respectively) of the respective models are indicated below.Fig. 3. The effect of (a) soil texture and (b) crop diversity on the absolute difference in EOC stocks between conservation and conventional farming systems in the first 35 cm of soil. Boxes indicate the first and third quartile, the band is the mean of all values, and the whiskers show the 10th–90th percentile. Different letters in the box plots indicate significant differences (p < 0.05) between categories as determined by pairwise comparisons with Šidák correction for multiple pairwise comparisons.Fig. 4. The effect of (a) soil texture (b) tillage intensity, (c) inter cropping and (d) cover cropping on the absolute difference in C-liberating enzyme activity between conservation and conventional farming systems in the first 35 cm of soil. Boxes indicate the first and third quartile, the band is the mean of all values, and the whiskers show the 10th–90th percentile. Different letters in the box plots indicate significant differences (p < 0.05) between categories as determined by pairwise comparisons with Šidák correction for multiple pairwise comparisons.
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Rainer Horn 博士,德国基尔大学教授,世界著名土壤物理学家。现任中-欧土地和土壤合作专家组委员,曾任世界土壤联合会(IUSS)主席,IUSS土壤物理委员会、土壤技术委员会以及第三工作组主席、土壤耕作研究组织主席、德国土壤学会主席等土壤学术组织重要职位。Horn教授在不饱和土壤力学理论创新和应用、土壤物理多尺度过程、土壤力学与水力学、物理化学和生物学等多学科交叉研究等方面取得巨大成就,并成功应用于指导固废处理、地质工程安全以及电缆地下埋藏等社会经济多方面。发表100余篇期刊论文,数十部土壤学专著以及数百篇技术报告,荣获美国土壤学会、美国农学会会士,罗马尼亚、波兰、德国土壤学会以及国际土壤耕作研究组织等学术团体先后授予Horn教授荣誉会员称号。
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