
乐活   壁纸头像   2024-09-07 00:01   云南  



一只猫头鹰听说人类喜欢在深夜工作,于是它决定开一家24小时的图书馆,专为那些深夜不睡觉的人类设计,但最后发现唯一来的顾客都是迷路的飞蛾。An owl heard that humans like to work late at night, so it decided to open a 24-hour library specifically for night owls, only to find out its only customers were lost moths

企鹅们开了一场冰上舞会,结果由于地面太滑,它们全都像保龄球一样摔倒,一个接一个地撞在一起,最后都堆成了一座滑稽的企鹅塔。The penguins threw an ice ball, but the floor was so slippery they all fell down like bowling pins, one by one, until they formed a hilarious tower of penguins.

一只鹦鹉学会了模仿电视里的新闻播报员,但每次它模仿到一半时,总会插播一句:“今天的天气真适合吃点瓜子!”A parrot learned how to mimic the TV news anchor, but every time it got halfway through the report, it would interrupt itself with, “Today’s weather is perfect for snacking on some sunflower seeds!”

在沙漠里,一只骆驼每天早上都对着日出发呆,心里想着:“要是我能快一点的话,可能都能追上太阳了。”In the desert, a camel stares at the sunrise every morning, thinking to itself, “If only I were a bit faster, I might actually catch up to the sun.”

一群海豚为了赢得一场水下接力赛,决定训练它们的朋友章鱼,因为它的八条腿让它能同时游得比其他队员都快,可惜章鱼忘了传递接力棒。A pod of dolphins, hoping to win an underwater relay race, decided to train their octopus friend, thinking its eight legs would make it swim faster than the others—too bad the octopus forgot to pass the baton.

我一直怀疑兔子总是跳来跳去,不是因为它们开心,而是因为它们真的在避开什么“看不见的地雷”,大概只是不想告诉我们人类而已。I’ve always suspected that rabbits hop around not because they’re happy, but because they’re dodging some invisible landmines, and they’re just not telling us humans.

一只河马坐在河边,看着自己的倒影,叹了口气:“再减肥几吨的话,可能这条河就不会为我起浪了。”A hippo sat by the river, staring at its reflection, and sighed: “If I could just shed a few more tons, maybe this river wouldn’t make waves for me.”

一只牛蛙决定练习歌唱,梦想着成为世界著名的歌星,但每次它发声时,其他青蛙都以为它是在宣布今晚的昆虫自助餐已经开席。A bullfrog decided to practice singing, dreaming of becoming a world-famous star, but every time it croaked, the other frogs thought it was announcing that tonight’s insect buffet was open.

狼群的领导者总是觉得月亮对它们有某种神秘的吸引力,每当满月升起,它都忍不住对着它嚎叫,好像在说:“你为什么不能来得再近一点?”The leader of the wolf pack always felt a mysterious attraction to the moon, and every time it was full, it couldn’t help but howl at it, as if saying, “Why can’t you just come a little closer?”

如果鸵鸟有一天决定面对现实,它们会非常惊讶地发现,它们藏头的沙堆其实是被兔子租用的地下公寓。If ostriches ever decided to face reality, they’d be shocked to find out that the sand piles they bury their heads in are actually underground apartments rented by rabbits.

一只乌贼误以为它的墨水有魔法,每次感到无聊时都会喷一团,期待有一艘神奇的海盗船从浓烟中出现,结果总是失望地发现只是海水在冒泡。A squid mistakenly thought its ink had magical powers, and every time it was bored, it would release a cloud, expecting a mystical pirate ship to emerge from the smoke—only to be disappointed when it was just bubbles.

章鱼学会了打字,它写了一部惊悚小说叫《海底的八爪怪物》,但所有读者都以为是自传。The octopus learned how to type and wrote a thriller called The Eight-Legged Terror of the Deep, but all the readers thought it was an autobiography.


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