我的理智仿佛被无形的手掌紧紧握住,无法挣脱,所有的思考都被拉入黑暗的漩涡中,永远无法到达光明的彼岸。My reason feels as if it’s being tightly gripped by an invisible hand, unable to break free, with all thoughts being pulled into a vortex of darkness, never to reach the shore of light.
在那无边无际的空虚中,所有的思绪似乎都在被吸引进一个无法逃脱的黑洞,逐渐消失在黑暗的尽头,只剩下无声的孤独。In that boundless void, all thoughts seem to be drawn into an inescapable black hole, gradually disappearing into the darkness, leaving only a silent loneliness.
意识像是在逐渐瓦解,陷入一片深不见底的虚空中,所有的逻辑和理性都被吞噬,留下的只有无尽的混沌和无法填补的空白。Consciousness seems to be gradually disintegrating, falling into a bottomless void, where all logic and reason are devoured, leaving only endless chaos and an unfillable void.
理智在一瞬间崩溃,仿佛被引入了一片无尽的黑暗,所有的光亮都被无情地吸收,再也无法找到回归现实的路途。Reason collapses in an instant, as if led into endless darkness, where all light is mercilessly absorbed, with no way to find the path back to reality.
我的思想似乎在某个时刻被撕裂,逐渐分散在无尽的黑暗中,仿佛每一个念头都被拉入了虚无的深渊,永远无法聚拢。My thoughts seem to be torn at a certain moment, gradually scattering into endless darkness, as if each idea is being pulled into an abyss of nothingness, never to coalesce.
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