烟霞染天,归途尽长歌。The sky is painted with twilight hues, and my homeward journey is filled with long songs.
看庭前花开花落,我以淡然之心对待得失荣辱,仿佛那随风而逝的花瓣,带走的只是尘世的喧嚣。Watching flowers bloom and fall before the courtyard, I treat gains and losses with equanimity, as if the petals drifting with the wind carry away only the noise of the world.
竹影摇曳,月华如水,置身其中,仿佛世间的纷扰都已远去,心中只余一片清净与悠然。Bamboo shadows sway, and moonlight flows like water. In this scene, it feels as if all worldly troubles have faded away, leaving only serenity and ease in my heart.
青衫倚剑,侠骨伴柔情。Clad in a green robe, leaning on my sword, I balance chivalrous spirit with tender emotions.
繁星满天,夜风微凉,我静坐其中,仿佛天地万物都在与我低语,将一切烦忧化为一缕清风。Under a sky full of stars with a cool night breeze, I sit quietly, as if the heavens and earth are whispering to me, turning all worries into a gentle breeze.
雨打芭蕉,声声入耳,仿佛每一滴雨水都在为我演奏一曲欢喜的乐章。Rain falls on the plantains, the sound reaching my ears, as if each raindrop is playing a joyful melody just for me.
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