
乐活   壁纸头像   2024-08-26 00:00   云南  


我的猫总是喜欢在凌晨三点开始疯狂跑酷,家里的每一件家具仿佛都是它的障碍赛道,让我觉得自己住在一个24小时营业的“猫咪健身房”里。My cat loves to start a crazy parkour session at 3 AM, using every piece of furniture as its obstacle course, making me feel like I live in a 24-hour "cat gym."

每次我下班回家,我的猫都会用一种“你又回来干嘛”的表情看着我,好像它觉得家里只属于它,而我只是个偶尔路过的房客。Every time I come home from work, my cat gives me a "Why are you back?" look, as if it thinks the house belongs solely to it and I'm just a passing tenant.

我家的猫特别喜欢趴在键盘上,每当我想发条重要的信息,它总会突然按下删除键,仿佛它觉得世界上不需要更多的“垃圾信息”。My cat loves lying on the keyboard, and every time I'm about to send an important message, it suddenly hits the delete key, as if it thinks the world doesn't need any more "spam."

我发现,每次我想偷吃零食,我的猫就会突然出现,用它那犀利的眼盯着我,好像它是零食的“道德警察”。I've noticed that every time I try to sneak a snack, my cat suddenly appears, staring at me with piercing eyes as if it's the "snack moral police."

我的猫总是把最柔软的枕头据为己有,每次我想用,它就用那双水汪汪的大眼睛看着我,好像在说“你真的忍心抢走我的小窝吗?”My cat always claims the softest pillow as its own, and every time I want to use it, it gives me those big, watery eyes, as if saying, "Do you really have the heart to take away my little nest?"

每次我试图集中精力工作,我的猫都会开始在旁边玩它最吵的玩具,好像它能嗅到我想要安静的心情,并决定来点背景音效。Every time I try to focus on work, my cat starts playing with its loudest toy nearby, as if it can sense my need for quiet and decides to add some background noise.


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