
乐活   壁纸头像   2024-09-08 00:01   云南  


一只蜗牛从来不担心迟到,因为它坚信:“无论我什么时候到达,派对才真正开始。”A snail never worries about being late because it firmly believes, “The party doesn’t truly start until I arrive, no matter when that is.”

一只蛇滑过一面镜子,突然发现它完全没有腿,吓得它差点打了个结。A snake slithered past a mirror, suddenly realizing it didn’t have any legs, and was so shocked it nearly tied itself into a knot.

一只蚂蚁尝试去参加马拉松比赛,但它跑了十分钟后发现,自己只走过了一片叶子。An ant tried to enter a marathon, but ten minutes into the race, it realized it had only made it across a single leaf.

一只斑马很困惑,为什么它总是吸引蜜蜂。直到有一天,它意识到,自己身上的条纹让蜜蜂误以为它是巨大的“蜂巢”。A zebra was puzzled as to why it always attracted bees, until one day it realized its stripes made the bees think it was a gigantic hive.

一只水母想要赢得海洋选美比赛,但它发现,海星是裁判,而裁判的评分标准是“能不能自己发光”,这让水母直接亮瞎了海星的眼。A jellyfish wanted to win the ocean beauty pageant but realized the judge was a starfish, and the scoring was based on “who can glow the best,” so the jellyfish dazzled the starfish blind.

一只变色龙站在一面彩虹前面,结果困惑地发现,自己不管怎么变色,还是跟不上颜色变化的速度,最后它决定只变成黑白的。A chameleon stood in front of a rainbow and became confused when it couldn’t keep up with the rapid color changes, so it decided to just turn black and white instead.

一只袋鼠决定学习跳远,想破世界纪录,但每次它跳的时候,都发现自己太快回到了原点,还不小心踢翻了起跳标志。A kangaroo decided to take up long jump, aiming to break world records, but every time it leapt, it returned to its starting point too fast and accidentally knocked over the jump marker.

一只青蛙决定学习唱歌,但它发现每当它开口,其他青蛙都会误以为是在下雨,纷纷跑去找避雨的地方。A frog decided to take up singing but found out that every time it started, the other frogs thought it was raining and scrambled to find shelter.


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