
乐活   壁纸头像   2024-09-06 00:00   云南  


我的猫有时候会盯着窗外的夜空发呆,眼神中充满着“我注定要征服宇宙”的气息,所以我给它买了个太空包。Sometimes my cat stares out at the night sky with a look that says, "I’m destined to conquer the universe," So I got him a space bag

我家的猫特别喜欢爬到高处,尤其是柜子顶,好像它觉得自己站在那里能更接近星星,准备随时发射爪子到银河系。My cat loves climbing to high places, especially the top of cabinets, as if it believes being up there gets it closer to the stars, ready to launch its paw into the Milky Way.

每当我在阳台上用望远镜看星星,我的猫就会跳到望远镜旁,好像它觉得自己是宇航员,正在策划一次偷偷摸摸的外太空任务。Whenever I’m on the balcony looking at stars through a telescope, my cat jumps next to it like it thinks it's an astronaut planning a top-secret space mission.

我家的猫每次看见夜空中的满月,总是对它发出轻轻的喵声,仿佛那是它失散已久的外星亲戚,正在呼唤它回到猫星球。Every time my cat sees the full moon in the night sky, it lets out a soft meow, as if that’s its long-lost alien relative calling it back to the Cat Planet.

当我试图解释太阳系的时候,我的猫只是懒懒地打了个哈欠,大概觉得地球的事情根本不值得它操心,它的星球早已在天上。When I try to explain the solar system, my cat just lazily yawns, probably thinking Earthly matters aren’t worth its attention—its planet is already up there in the stars.

我家的猫有时候会看着天花板上的灯泡发呆,仿佛那就是它的个人小太阳,时刻等待着被点燃,带它进入光速旅行。My cat sometimes stares at the ceiling light like it’s its personal mini-sun, just waiting to be lit so it can take it on a light-speed journey.

我的猫喜欢钻进小盒子里,可能它认为那是它的迷你飞船,随时准备进行一次超光速的宇宙探险。My cat loves squeezing into tiny boxes, probably thinking they’re its mini spaceship, ready at any moment for a faster-than-light space adventure.


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