
乐活   壁纸头像   2024-08-21 00:01   云南  


每次我坐在电脑前工作,我的猫就会把自己安置在键盘上,它可能觉得自己才是这个家庭的真正“操作系统”。Every time I sit down to work at my computer, my cat positions itself on the keyboard. It probably thinks it's the real "operating system" of the household.

我家的猫总是神秘兮兮地躲在窗帘后面,每当我路过它就突然跳出来,好像自己是个出色的忍者,专门负责吓唬人。My cat always hides mysteriously behind the curtains, and every time I walk by, it jumps out like it's a master ninja whose sole mission is to startle me.

我发现我的猫有个特别的技能——它能在我吃饭的时候,盯着我看得心里发毛,然后我就心甘情愿地给它分一半。I've discovered my cat has a special skill—it can stare at me while I eat until I feel so uncomfortable that I willingly give it half my meal.

我家的猫喜欢追逐激光笔的光点,它跑得那么快,好像那光点真的是某种能抓到的美味猎物。My cat loves chasing the laser pointer dot. It runs so fast as if the dot were some kind of delicious prey it could actually catch.

每次我想带猫咪去看兽医,它都会突然像个逃亡的罪犯一样,消失得无影无踪,好像它能感知到即将到来的“审判日”。Every time I try to take my cat to the vet, it suddenly disappears like a fugitive on the run, as if it can sense the impending "judgment day."

我发现,我的猫总是在我看恐怖片时跑过来挠我的脚,可能它以为这是最适合吓我的时机。I've noticed that my cat always comes over to scratch my feet while I'm watching a horror movie, probably thinking it's the perfect time to scare me.


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