出生与背景 / Birth and Background
伊丽莎白·巴托里出生于1560年8月7日,匈牙利贵族家庭。她的家族是当时最有权势的家族之一。Elizabeth Báthory was born on August 7, 1560, into a noble Hungarian family. Her family was one of the most powerful in the region.
贵族地位 / Noble Status
她的家族拥有庞大的土地和财产,是匈牙利最显赫的家族之一。伊丽莎白在一个极为富裕的环境中长大。Her family owned vast lands and wealth, making them one of the most prominent in Hungary. Elizabeth grew up in a very wealthy environment.
婚姻与家庭 / Marriage and Family
1575年,她嫁给了匈牙利将军纳达什迪·费伦茨,他们有四个孩子。她的丈夫在1604年去世。In 1575, she married Hungarian general Ferenc Nádasdy, and they had four children. Her husband died in 1604.
罪行指控 / Accusations of Crimes
伊丽莎白因涉嫌折磨和杀害了大量年轻女性而被指控。她的罪行被认为是为了用少女的鲜血保持青春。Elizabeth was accused of torturing and murdering a large number of young women. Her crimes were believed to be motivated by a desire to maintain her youth using the blood of virgins.
血腥伯爵夫人 / The Blood Countess
伊丽莎白·巴托里因此被称为“血腥伯爵夫人”,她的故事成为吸血鬼传说的重要灵感来源。Elizabeth Báthory became known as the "Blood Countess," and her story inspired many vampire legends.
审判与定罪 / Trial and Conviction
1610年,她被逮捕并在审判中被指控犯有多项罪行。尽管她的地位显赫,但最终仍被判罪。她没有被处以死刑,而是被关押在她的城堡中,直至1614年去世。In 1610, she was arrested and put on trial for numerous crimes. Despite her high status, she was ultimately convicted.She was not executed but was instead imprisoned in her castle, where she remained until her death in 1614.
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