
乐活   壁纸头像   2024-09-01 00:01   云南  



我的狗每次看到月亮时,总会对着它狂吠,好像它认为那是个巨大的圆饼干,挂在天上却吃不到,心里充满了失落感。Every time my dog sees the moon, it barks at it like crazy, as if it thinks it's a giant cookie hanging in the sky, and it feels disappointed that it can't reach it.

我家的狗喜欢在后院仰望星空,每次它看到流星的时候,都会激动得跳起来,好像它真的能追上那颗星星并把它叼回来给我。My dog loves staring at the night sky in the backyard, and every time it sees a shooting star, it jumps up excitedly as if it really could catch that star and bring it back to me.

每当我在看科幻电影时,我的狗都会趴在电视前,盯着那些外星人,好像它在想“如果我遇到他们,我能成为银河系最好的捡球高手。”Whenever I'm watching a sci-fi movie, my dog lies in front of the TV, staring at the aliens, as if it's thinking, "If I met them, I could become the best ball-fetcher in the galaxy."

是在和我玩“月球探险”游戏。My dog loves burrowing into blankets, and every time it pokes its head out, it looks like it's playing a game of "moon exploration" with     me.

我的狗有时候会对着夜空嗅来嗅去,好像它认为自己可以闻到火星上的气味,或者找到某颗隐藏的星星当成它的新玩具。Sometimes my dog sniffs at the night sky as if it believes it can catch the scent of Mars or find a hidden star to use as its new toy.

我家的狗总是喜欢围着自己转圈,搞得我怀疑它是不是在模仿地球绕着太阳转,只不过它的轨道看起来有点失控。My dog loves spinning in circles around itself, making me wonder if it's trying to imitate the Earth orbiting the sun, although its orbit seems a bit out of control.

每次我用手电筒照着墙,我的狗都会追着光点满屋子跑,好像那是来自另一个星系的外星飞船,它必须要把它赶出地球。Every time I shine a flashlight on the wall, my dog chases the light around the room as if it's an alien spaceship from another galaxy that it must chase off Earth.

我家的狗有个奇怪的习惯,每次它看到彩虹时,就会坐下来,盯着天空发呆,好像它在思考着如何搭乘彩虹桥到达太空。My dog has a strange habit: every time it sees a rainbow, it sits down and stares at the sky as if it's contemplating how to ride the rainbow bridge into space.

每当我和狗狗在草地上玩飞盘时,它总是跳得特别高,好像它想跳出地球,一跃成为狗狗版的“宇航员”。Every time my dog and I play frisbee on the grass, it jumps extra high, as if it's trying to leap off Earth and become the dog version of an astronaut.

我的狗每次看到烟花,总是以为是星星在爆炸,于是它激动得跑来跑去,好像要捡回所有的星星碎片。Every time my dog sees fireworks, it thinks the stars are exploding, and it runs around excitedly as if it's trying to gather all the star fragments.

每次我家的狗看到火箭发射的新闻,它都会兴奋地转圈圈,好像它已经在计划如何偷偷登上飞船,成为第一个登陆月球的狗狗。Every time my dog sees a rocket launch on the news, it starts spinning in circles excitedly, as if it's already planning how to sneak aboard and become the first dog on the moon.


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