
乐活   壁纸头像   2024-08-24 00:00   云南  





繁华的灯光将面具下的阴影拉得更长,但无论我怎么演,内心那片荒芜始终无法填满。The bright lights stretch the shadows beneath the mask even further, but no matter how I perform, the wasteland inside remains unfilled.

当我终于卸下那副笑容,才发现自己早已被空虚吞噬,那个真实的我早已不知去向,只剩下无尽的孤寂。When I finally remove that smile, I find that I have long been consumed by emptiness, the real me lost somewhere, leaving only endless solitude behind.

我用笑容遮掩内心的伤痕,试图掩饰那无可救药的孤独感,但夜晚的寂静总会揭开这层虚伪的面纱。I use smiles to cover the scars in my heart, trying to hide the incurable loneliness, but the silence of the night always unveils this facade.

我试图用欢笑来弥补心灵的裂痕,却发现自己只是在空虚中不断重复相同的表演,疲惫不堪。I try to use laughter to mend the cracks in my soul, but find myself merely repeating the same performance in the void, utterly exhausted.

每次表演结束,我都会卸下那副笑容,却发现真实的自己早已被淹没在虚假的欢愉中,再也找不到回家的路。Every time the performance ends, I remove that smile, only to find that my true self has long been submerged in false joy, unable to find the way back home.

在那片欢声笑语的海洋中,我却沉溺在孤寂的漩涡里,面具下的灵魂仿佛被无形的手紧紧攥住,无法挣脱。In that sea of laughter and joy, I find myself drowning in a whirlpool of solitude, the soul beneath the mask tightly gripped by invisible hands, unable to break free.



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