"在芬兰,各城市正与国家政府携手合作,以实现气候中和的宏伟目标,即到 2035 年建成世界上第一个无化石福利社会"。“In Finland, cities are working together with the national government to reach the ambitious goal of climate neutrality, the world’s first fossil-free welfare society by 2035.”
芬兰埃斯波市市长尤卡-马凯莱(Jukka Mäkelä)在欧洲城市年会第三天也是最后一天的开幕式上如是说。欧盟计划到2050年实现零排放目标,但埃斯波和芬兰其他城市计划提前15年实现这一目标。
With these words, Jukka Mäkelä, the Mayor of Espoo in Finland, opened the third and final day of Eurocities annual conference. The European Union is set to achieve the zero-emissions target by 2050, but Espoo and other Finnish cities plan to get there 15 years earlier.
One of the most active ecosystems in Europe, the Nordics have fostered some of the continent’s most successful startups — including giants of the likes of Klarna, Pleo, Aiven, and Oda, as well as 15 more unicorns.2021 年,五个国家中有四个国家的融资额创下了历史新高,融资总额达到了该地区有史以来的最高水平,其中一些国家的融资额更是达到了欧洲之最。Four out of five countries had record-breaking spells in 2021, with the highest aggregate funding ever recorded in the region and some of the largest rounds in Europe.欧洲 100 个城市接受挑战,到 2030 年实现碳中和100 EUROPEAN CITIES TAKE UP THE CHALLENGE TO BECOME CARBON NEUTRAL BY 2030
6 月 13 日星期一,入选 "2030 年前 100 个气候中立和智能城市 "欧洲任务的 100 个欧洲城市的代表在布鲁塞尔举行了首次实际会晤。这次会议正式拉开了这些城市在 "零碳城市计划"(NetZeroCities)下实现气候中和的序幕。On Monday 13 June, the representatives of the 100 European cities selected to participate in the European Mission “100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030” met for the first time in real life in Brussels. This meeting, officially kicked off the cities journey towards climate neutrality under the NetZeroCities programme.
欧盟委员会副主席弗兰斯-蒂默曼斯(Frans Timmermans)向入选城市表示祝贺,并强调这些城市走在欧洲气候行动的前列,欧盟委员会将支持它们应对这一挑战。入选城市的代表、零净排放城市联盟的代表以及欧盟委员会的成员出席了会议。Frans Timmermans, Vice-President of the European Commission, congratulated the selected cities and stressed that they are at the forefront of climate action in Europe and that the European Commission will support them in this challenge. The meeting was attended by representatives of the selected cities, representatives of the NetZero Cities consortium, as well as members of the European Commission.