
文摘   2024-10-12 06:23   山西  




China’s Monster Amphibious Assault Ship Has Twin Island Superstructures Optimized For Aviation Ops 

双舰岛上层建筑,将使巨大的 076 型更适合容纳多样化的空军作战联队

The twin island superstructures would make the huge Type 076 even more suitable for accommodating a diverse air wing.


076 型目前正在上海长兴岛的一个船厂建造中。该船厂似乎与国有的兔子船舶工业集团公司 CSSC) 的沪东中华子公司有关。沪东中华一直负责建造现有的 075 型两栖舰艇,其中三现已服役,第四正在建设中,并且正在从上海的另一个地点搬迁到长兴。正在建造 076 型设施也紧挨着江南造船厂,江南造船厂是中船集团最著名的造船厂之一,福建号就是在这里建造的

The Type 076 is currently under construction in a yard on Changxing Island in Shanghai. The yard in questionappears to be associated with the state-owned China State Shipbuilding Corporation’s (CSSC) Hudong-Zhonghua subsidiary. Hudong-Zhonghua has been responsible for building the existing Type 075s, three of which are in service now with a fourth under construction, and is in the process of relocating from another site in Shanghai to Changxing. Where the Type 076 is being built is also right next to the Jiangnan shipyard, one of CSSC’s most prominent shipbuilders where the Fujian was built


076 型在沪东中华船厂成型。

Type 076 taking shape at the Hudong-Zhonghua yard.

网上出现的卫星图像和过顶飞机拍摄的其他照片显示,076 飞行甲板的总体轮廓越来越多地出现在人们的视野中。看起来是完全笔直的,并在两端呈方形基本形状在许多方面与 075 型相似。随着建造的继续,076 型的甲板轮廓可能仍会发生变化。

The satellite imagery and other pictures taken from aircraft passing overhead that have emerged online show the general profile of the Type 076’s flight deck increasingly coming into view. It currently looks set to be entirely straight and to be squared off at the ends. The basic shape, as it is seen now, is similar in many respects to that of the Type 075. It is possible that the Type 076’s deck profile could still evolve as construction continues. 

2024年3 月份正在建造的 076 型的另一个视图。

Another view of the Type 076 under construction in March.


上图:2024年5 月初在网上出现的正在建造的 076 型的照片。请注意船体船尾端左舷(左)一侧的飞机升降可能存在的间隙。

A picture of the Type 076 under construction that emerged online earlier in May. Note what may be a gap for an aircraft elevator on the port (left) side of the stern end of the hull



The first of China’s new class ofbig-deck amphibious assault ships is rapidly taking shape and we can now get a much better look at the vessel’s twin-island configuration.

在上海长兴岛船厂建造的第一艘 076 型直升机船坞 (LHD) 登陆舰(西方称为玉兰级)的近期照片首先显示,截至2024年 9 月 26 日,甲板上增加了一个舰岛上层建筑,随后于 9 月 28 日安装了另一个舰岛上层建筑

Recent photos of the first of the Type 076 landing helicopter dock (LHD) ships — known in the Westas the Yulan class — under construction at the yard on Changxing Island in Shanghai first reveal one island superstructure added to the deck, as of September 26, followed by another, installed as of September 28. 

上图:两个舰岛上层建筑中的第一个已安装在 076 LHD/LAH 上

According to these images, the first of the two island superstructures have been installed onboard the 076 LHD/LAH.


上图:2024 年 9 月 27 日,第一艘 076 型级船舶的卫星视图,安装了舰岛上层建筑

A satellite view of the first of the Type 076 class vessels, with the twin island superstructures installed, on September 27, 2024.

从那时起,更多的特写镜头提供了这两个舰岛上层建筑的细节 2024年10 月 3 日,舰岛仍然被脚手架包围Since then, more close-in shots have provided details of both island superstructures, which were still surrounded by scaffolding as of October 3.

076 型并不是第一艘拥有舰岛航空作业军舰这种设计被用于更大的英国伊丽莎白女王级航空母舰,A3未来的航空母舰 Vishal也在考虑采用在尺寸上更接近 076 型的是意大利的里雅斯特号 Trieste,这 LHD也有两个舰岛

The Type 076 is not the first aviation-optimized warship with twin islands. Previously, this kind of design has been chosen for the significantly larger BritishQueen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers, and there are suggestions that it might also be chosen for India’s future aircraft carrier Vishal. Closer in size to the Type 076 is the Italian Trieste, another LHD, which also has two islands. 

2020 年,意大利海军的里雅斯特 LPH 停泊在 Fincantieri 的 Castellammare di Stabia 造船厂的装修码头。

The Italian Navy’s Trieste LPH moored at the fitting-out quay of Fincantieri’s Castellammare di Stabia shipyard in 2020. Ivan Guida/Wikimedia Commons


英国皇家海军的航空母舰 HMS 伊丽莎白女王号拥有独特的舰岛上层建筑。图为伊丽莎白女王号将于今天进行她的首次海外港口直布罗陀的访问。

The U.K. Royal Navy’s aircraft carrier HMSQueen Elizabeth features characteristic twin island superstructures. Crown Copyright The Royal Navy’s new aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth will arrive in Gibraltar today for her first overseas port visit.


正如预期的那样,076 型并非一艘传统的两栖攻击舰,其体大致介于兔子目前最大的两栖战舰 075 型和兔子最新最大的航空母舰福建号之间

As expected, the Type 076 is therefore shaping up to be much more than a traditional amphibious assault ship, which also makes sense given its overall size: falling roughly between China’s current largest amphibious warship,the Type 075, and the country’s newest and largest aircraft carrier, the Fujian.

根据之前对卫星图像的分析076 型大约长 864 英尺,宽 141 英尺(分别为 263 米和近 43 米)。同样基于卫星图像,075 型长 784 英尺,宽 105 英尺(近 239 米和 32 米),而福建型长 1,036 英尺,宽 275 英尺(接近 316 英尺,近 84 米)。

Based on previousTWZ analysis of satellite imagery, the Type 076 is roughly 864 feet long and 141 feet wide (263 and nearly 43 meters, respectively). By comparison, again based on satellite imagery, the Type 075 is 784 feet long and 105 feet wide (almost 239 and 32 meters), while the Fujian is 1,036 feet in length and 275 feet in width (close to 316 and almost 84 meters). 

上图:从左到右:正在建造的 075 型两栖攻击舰、仍在建造中的 076 型和福建号航空母舰的按比例并排比较。

Left to right: A to-scale side-by-side comparison of a Type 075 amphibious assault ship under construction, the still-under-construction Type 076, and the aircraft carrierFujian

这与鹰酱海军海军情报办公室 ONI) 2024年早些时候发布的:非机密-《 PLAN 舰艇识别指南》中对这三种舰艇长度的评估一致。考虑到其物理尺寸,可以假设 076 型的排量比 075 型大得多(满载时估计在 35,000 至 40,000 吨之间)This is all in line with the assessments of the lengths of those three ship types as included in an unclassified PLAN ship recognition guide the U.S. Navy’s Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) published earlier this year. Given its physical size, the Type 076 can be assumed to have a significantly larger displacement than the Type 075 (estimated to be between 35,000 and 40,000 tons with a full load), as well.

上图:从上到下:海军情报办公室:非机密-《 2024 年兔子海军舰艇识别指南》中的福建航空母舰、 076 型(玉兰级两栖攻击舰)和 075 型(玉神级两栖攻击舰)相关条目(未按比例)。

Top to bottom: Entries (not to scale) for theFujian aircraft carrier, Type 076 (Yulan class amphibious assault ship) and the Type 075 (Yushen class amphibious assault ship) from the Office of Naval Intelligence’s unclassified 2024 PLAN ship recognition guide


鹰酱:鹰酱海军陆战队 USS America 号甲板上有 13 架鹰酱海军陆战队 F-35B 联合攻击战斗机,凸显了其航空重点。

The U.S. Navy amphibious assault ship USSAmerica with 13 U.S. Marine Corps F-35B Joint Strike Fighters on its deck, highlighting its aviation focus. 

本子:已将其两栖攻击舰 JS Izumo 出云号改装为能够操作 F-35B 联合攻击战斗机,并正在其姊妹舰 JSKaga 加贺号进行相同的以航空为重点的改装。

On the other side of the equation, Japan has converted its amphibious assault ship JSIzumo to be able to operate F-35B Joint Strike Fighters and is in the process of putting its sister ship, JS Kaga, through the same aviation-focused modification process.

带喊:政府早在 2020 年也宣布了建造一艘装载 F-35B 的轻型航母的计划,其航母雄心在随后几年中显著增长。

The South Korean government had also announced plans for alight carrier loaded with F-35Bs back in 2020, but its carrier ambitions have significantly grown in the intervening years.

土鸡:2023年,土鸡海军服役了 TCG Anadolu大甲板两栖攻击舰,前部设有滑跃起飞台。现在有计划对其进行优化,以更多地用作轻型无人机航母,也可能容纳固定翼载人机型。欧洲其他国家现在也在考虑以类似大甲板两栖战舰的角色

Last year, the Turkish Navy also commissionedthe TCG Anadolu, a big deck amphibious assault ship with a ski jump at the front. There are now plans to optimize it for use more as a light drone carrier that could also potentially accommodate fixed-wing manned types. Other countries in Europe are now also looking at the idea of operating big deck amphibious warfare ships in similar roles.

然而——076 型将比鹰酱的鹰酱本子的出云级土耳其的阿纳多卢级都要更大

However, as already noted, the Type 076 will be wider than theAmerica class. It will also have a greater width than Japan’s Izumo class ships and Turkey’s Anadolu.

作为另一个比较,076 型在长度上与鹰酱海军以航空为重点的两栖攻击舰USS America相似,但要宽得多。据海军称,USS America长 855 英尺(260.7 米),最宽处为 106 英尺(32.3 米)

As another comparison, the Type 076 is similar in length to the U.S. Navy’s aviation-focused amphibious assault ship USSAmerica, but is significantly wider. The America is 855 feet (260.7 meters) long and is 106 feet (32.3 meters) at its widest, according to the Navy.

076似乎与英国配备滑跃起飞装置的短距起飞降落STOVL航空母舰具有可性——伊丽莎白女王的设计估计比 076 型更长(932 英尺或 284 米)和更宽(240 英尺或 73 米)。

Overall, what can be seen of the Type 076’s configuration so far has started to draw very broad comparisons to aircraft carriers like the United Kingdom’s ski jump-equipped short and vertical takeoff and landing Queen Elizabeth class, in terms of potential deck layout. The Queen Elizabeth design is longer (932 feet or 284 meters) and substantially wider (240 feet or 73 meters) than the Type 076 is expected to be in the end.


虽然 076 型似乎更传统的两栖攻击舰一样主要用于操作旋翼飞机直升机,但目前所有迹象都表明:无人机——也是其空军联队的重要组成部分。舰岛配置助于简化载人和无人驾驶飞机的集成运作因此076 型将主要面向空中力量——包括更重的固定翼无人机——这种设计尤为重要

While it’s still the case that the Type 076 appears to be primarily intended to operate rotary-winged aircraft, like a more traditional amphibious assault ship, all signs currently point to drones being a major part of its air wing, too. Once again, the twin-island configuration should help make the integration of both crewed and uncrewed aircraft simpler.With indications that the Type 076 will be heavily geared toward generating airpower — including in the form of heavier fixed-wing drones — this kind of design is especially relevant.



Simply put, having two islands means that one can be dedicated to navigation and other primarily ship-related taskings, while the other is used exclusively for controlling flight operations. When it comes to drones, the additional demands in terms of moving them around the deck remotely may also have helped reach this design decision.

除了舰岛,还有其他设计点表明:空中行动在076 型的任务范围内处于首要地位As well as the twin islands, the Type 076 has other features that suggest the primacy of air operations in its mission spectrum.


到目前没有迹象表明076会安装滑跃起飞”坡道,或许将来会增加。然而,电磁弹射系统 EMALS——发射更大重量的固定翼飞机。而且电磁弹射EMALS 对更小、更轻无人机操作也非常适合。

So far, there is no sign of a ‘ski jump’ takeoff ramp, though this could be potentially added in the future. However, it may be the case that the catapult — expected to be anelectromagnetic aircraft launch system (EMALS) — would be sufficient for launching fixed-wing aircraft at higher operating weights. Using EMALS also has particular benefits for drone operations, these systems being better suited to launching smaller and lighter aircraft.

从过去的图像中已经很明显的发现——076非常大的开放式飞行甲板,比其他两栖攻击舰要宽得多。可以肯定的是,船头安装了弹射器以及可能的阻拦装置,用于运作隐身无人(UCAV) 和其他更大的固定翼无人机

Already obvious in previous imagery is the very large open flight deck, substantially wider than on other amphibious assault ships. There is also all but certain that acatapult is installed on the ship’s bow, which will likely be complemented by arresting gear to accommodate, in particular, stealthy uncrewed combat air vehicles (UCAV) and other larger fixed-wing drones.

第一076 型LHD现在明确显示出——只有一个电磁弹射装置EMALS

Latest update on the first Type 076 LHD and now it is clear there is indeed only a single EMALS catapult.


此外,侧重航空运作的特征还有:与75类似,076的船尾左舷有空间很大的飞机升降机,这将是对船尾中的另一个大型升降机的补充。Also speaking to the increased emphasis on air operations is the apparent space for an aircraft elevator on the port side of the stern end. This would be in addition to another large elevator at the center of the stern, as found on the Type 075.

图:兔子的一艘 075 型两栖攻击舰

One of China’s Type 075 amphibious assault ships

上图:请看一下第一艘 075型在最初海上试航期间的甲板,可以看到船尾的升降机以及位于甲板中间的升降机

For comparison, a look down the deck of the first Type 075 during its initial sea trials. The ship’s stern aircraft elevator, as well as the one it has in the middle of the deck, are visible


2021 年珠海航展上,国营的兔子航空工业集团公司 (AVIC)展示了一段视频,描绘了 GJ-11 利剑隐形无人机的海军版本。无人机看起来从 075 型两栖攻击舰上起飞。同一段视频显示,大批GJ-11 蜂拥而至,使用电子战系统或定向能武器进行攻击,并发射空射诱饵。

At the Zhuhai Airshow in 2021, the state-run Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) also notably showed a video depicting a navalized derivative of theGJ-11 Sharp Sword stealthy unmanned combat air vehicle taking off from what looked at the time to be a Type 075 amphibious assault ship. That same video, seen in the social media post below, showed a group of GJ-11s swarming enemy surface warships and employing either electronic warfare systems or directed energy weapons, as well as air-launched decoys.

正如在2024年6月分析兔子隐身的GJ-11 利剑 UCAV 的明显模型已经出现在长兴岛的一个测试和/或训练场,距离第一艘 076 型的建造地只有一英里多一点。

As weexplored back in June, apparent mockups of China’s stealthy GJ-11 Sharp Sword UCAV have emerged at a test and/or training site on Changxing Island, a little over a mile from where the first Type 076 is being built.

图:兔子在上海长兴岛上的隐身GJ-11 无人机模型

Apparent mockups of China’s stealthy GJ-11 UCAV on Changxing Island in Shanghai.

详见拙文:GJ-11——Standby! (qq.com)

这进一步证明:GJ-11 可能成为兔子航母及其大甲板两栖攻击舰航空联队的一部分。

This adds to the weight of evidence suggesting that the GJ-11, or a related development, is set tobe part of future air wings for the People’s Liberation Army Navy’s carriers and its more modern big-deck amphibious assault ships.

如果 076 型无人机最终搭载了 GJ-11 或类似无人机,将可能主要用于海上打击和情报、监视和侦察 (ISR)任务。其他潜在的任务集包括:电子战、携带定向能武器、发射诱饵,以及更广泛地扩展友军的瞄准能力,为反舰弹道导弹、远程反舰巡航导弹以及载人攻击机提供瞄准数据等等

Provided the Type 076 class does eventually embark GJ-11s or similar drones, these might be used primarily for maritime strike and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR). But as we havediscussed in the past, there are many other potential mission sets, including electronic warfare systems, carrying directed-energy weapons, launching decoys, as well as more generally extending the targeting capabilities of friendly forces. Providing targeting data to anti-ship ballistic missiles, long-range anti-ship cruise missiles, as well as crewed strike aircraft, would be particularly relevant for the PLAN.

图:2019 年 10 月 1 日阅兵式上的 GJ-11 利剑

GJ-11 Sharp Sword on parade on October 1, 2019.

在这方面,大嘤与兔子之间也具有更广泛的可比性——大嘤也计划将辅助发射系统和回收装置集成到伊丽莎白女王号航母上,主要用于无人机。而新型 STOBAR/CATOBAR(兵器迷注:Catapult Assist Take-Off But Arrested Recovery/Short Take-Off But Arrested Recovery,即蒸汽弹射起飞/阻拦索降落)系统可以用于新型有人舰载机的起降。皇家海军已经在伊丽莎白女王级平顶飞机上测试了不同的无人机,包括下通用原子公司的莫哈韦Mojave无人机The Royal Navy has already been testing different drones, including General Atomics’ Mojave, on the Queen Elizabeth class flattops in their present configurations.

076 型是否具有用于发射和回收登陆艇的后井甲板还有待观察。即使没有此功能,该舰仍然可以执行不完全以航空能力核心其他各种任务,例如在各种不同的应急情况下将部队运送到岸上可以帮助在人道主义援助和救灾行动中提供支持。一般来说,大甲板两栖战舰提供了投射硬实力和软实力非常有价值的平台

Whether or not the Type 076 has a rearwell deck for launching and recovering landing craft also remains to be seen. Even without this feature, the ship could still perform various missions not exclusively centered around its aviation capabilities like delivering forces ashore during a variety of different contingency scenarios. The Type 076 could help provide support during humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations. Big deck amphibious warfare ships, in general, provide their operators with immensely valuable platforms for projecting both hard and soft power.


在过去的时间里,076 型建造取得的实质性进展。这第一艘 076 型船的建造反映了兔子造船计划发展建造速度着实令人印象深刻说明了兔子的整体造船能力——其造船能力明显高于鹰酱。这表明该军种近年来为扩大其能力的规模和范围做出了重大努力。

Reflecting broader developments within the PLAN’s shipbuilding program, the construction of the first Type 076 vessel has so far been proceeding at an impressive pace. The substantial progress that has been made on the construction of the Type 076 in the past, also speaks to China’s general shipbuilding capacity, which is notably exponentially greater than that of the United States..... has been indicative of that service’s significant efforts to expand by the scale and scope of its capabilities in recent years.


We likely won’t have to wait long before more details of this fascinating — and very impressive — design begin to emerge...


GJ-11——Standby! (qq.com)

鹰酱:“谁说兔子现在只有三艘航母?” (qq.com)
