
文摘   2024-10-20 06:23   山西  




North Korean troops join Russia's Buryat brigade to fight in Ukraine, says military intelligence 

该营的大约人数约为 3,000 人

The approximate number of personnel of this battalion is approximately 3,000 people, a source in military intelligence

一位军事情报消息人士告诉 LIGA.net:一个由主体公民组成的“布里亚特特种营”,正在大毛第 11 独立空中突击旅的基地组建。二毛军事博主Igor Sushko)在X平台发文称,他们驻扎在布里雅特共和国首府Ulan-Ude附近的军事基地,将获发毛军身份证,注记为布里雅特人。因为布里雅特共和国Buryatia Republic位于西伯利亚东部。而布里雅特人是蒙古族一支,外表与朝鲜人是一样的亚洲人。但二毛反假信息中心主任Andrei Kovalenko认为:主体军官精通俄语的比例不到1%,所以可能与布里雅特士兵一起派往前线。


A "special Buryat battalion" composed of North Korean citizens is being formed at the base of the 11th Separate Air Assault Brigade of the Russian occupation army, a source in military intelligence told LIGA.net.

消息来源报告说,该营的估计人数约为 3,000 人。目前,这些士兵配备了小型武器和弹药。

The source reports that the estimated number of personnel in this battalion is approximately 3,000. Currently, these soldiers are being equipped with small arms and ammunition.



Intelligence analysts suggest that the battalion may be deployed to carry out combat missions near Sudzha and Kursk.

2024年夏天早些时候,五角大楼表示,前来“协助”大毛军队的主体军事人员将充当“炮灰”。10月14日,小泽 Volodymyr Zelenskyy指出,主体已“有效地加入”两毛战争。

Earlier this summer, the Pentagon stated that North Korean military personnel arriving to "assist" Russian troops would serve as "cannon fodder." Yesterday, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted that North Korea has "effectively joined" the Russo-Ukrainian war. 

2024 年 10 月 4 日,据报道,二毛在顿涅茨克附近发动导弹袭击,可能已消灭 6 名主体军官。

On October 4, 2024, it was reported that a Ukrainian missile strike near temporarily occupied Donetsk may have eliminated six North Korean officers.

10 月 10 日,《卫报》报道称,大毛部队中的主体军事人员,正在协助向二毛发射弹道导弹。

On October 10, The Guardian reported that North Korean military personnel in Russian units are assisting in the launch of ballistic missiles against Ukraine.

10 月 12 日,《华盛顿邮报》报道称,数千名主体步兵正在大毛接受训练,并可能在 2024 年底前被部署到二毛前线。

On October 12, The Washington Post reported that several thousand North Korean infantry soldiers are undergoing training in Russia and could be deployed to the front lines in Ukraine by the end of 2024.

路透社报道:泽小泽Ukraine's Zelenskiy10月17日在比利时布鲁塞尔向欧盟27国领导人说明”胜利计划“时说,二毛情报部门掌握情资显示,已有主体军官部署于乌克兰遭俄军占领的领土,主体正准备派遣1万名士兵与二毛作战。


