
文摘   2024-10-13 08:21   山西  



Chinese Laser Anti-Drone System Spotted In Iran

 波斯总统阿亚图拉·阿里·哈梅内伊 Ayatollah Ali Khamenei高调露面,让我们得以一窥兔子最新的反无人机技术

A very high-profile appearance by Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has given us a glimpse at some of China's latest counter-drone technology.


波斯似乎部署了一种兔子激光定向能武器,旨在干扰和摧毁无人机Iran looks to have fielded a Chinese laser directed energy weapon intended for ‘dazzling’ drones or even destroying them 波斯一直是自杀无人机系统向全球扩散的主要来源,但自身也同样面临着来自无人机的威胁——尤其是来自以色列的威胁。

波斯首都德黑兰的激光反无人机系统的图片于2024年10月4日首次在网上出现。据报道,该系统是作为哈梅内伊罕见的公开布道的安全措施之一而部署的。Pictures said to show a laser counter-drone system in the Iranian capital Tehran first emerged online last Friday. The system was reportedly deployed as part of security measures around a rare public sermon by Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.


Many observers have identified the laser counter-drone system seen in the recently emerged pictures as an example of China’s Silent Hunter, but this appears to be incorrect. Known images of Silent Hunter, and mockups thereof, includingexamples in service in Saudi Arabia, show it has a turret with a single large circular aperture (likely its beam director) on the right side of a central mast. Silent Hunter’s turret also has smaller circular apertures, which should include electro-optical and/or infrared cameras for target detection, tracking, and engagement on the right and left of the main mast. 


A picture of a truck-mounted Silent Hunter system, or mock-up thereof, on display

而上周在德黑兰部署的系统,虽然与沉默猎手具有相似的整体设计,但它的左侧只有一个大孔径,右侧是一个形状更方正的孔径,中桅也有不同的设计这与Shen Nung”反无人机激光武器的类似。已经推出的 Shen Nung 的集装箱式和 4×4 东风猛士轻型战术卡车版本——分别为 Shen Nung 5000 和  Shen Nung3000。图片显示该系统位于蓝色防水布幕后,但仍显示出设计上相集装箱化的改变。

While the system said to have deployed last week in Tehran has a similar overall design, it has a single large aperture on the left side. In addition, there is an aperture with a more squared-off shape on the right side. The central mast has a different design, as well. A similar, if not identical arrangement is visible in Chinese marketing literature for another counter-drone laser weapon called the Shen Nung (also transliterated Shennong). Containerized and 4×4Dongfeng Mengshi light tactical truck-mounted versions of the Shen Nung – the Shen Nung 5000 and 3000, respectively – have at least been pitched in the past. The pictures reportedly taken in Tehran last week show the system behind a blue tarp screen, but what is visible could point to a containerized variant. 

沙特阿拉伯 沉默猎手 激光反无人机系统(左)上的炮塔,与上周五在德黑兰拍摄的炮塔(右)的并排比较。图源沙特阿拉伯国防部

A side-by-side comparison of the turret on a Saudi Arabian Silent Hunter laser counter-drone system (at left) and the one in the recently emerged pictures said to have been taken in Tehran last Friday (at right).Saudi Arabia Ministry of Defense


Shen Nung 集装箱式 Shen Nung 5000和基于东风猛士的Shen Nung 3000的改型

A Shen Nung promotional image showing containerized (Shen Nung 5000) and Dongfeng Mengshi-based (Shen Nung 3000) variants. 

值得注意的是,沉默猎手 神农盾都在各自的炮塔顶部配备了小型雷达,以加强检测和目标跟踪。

It’s worth noting here that both Silent Hunter and the Shen Nung feature small radars on top of their respective turrets to help detect and track targets, something that is also visible on the system in the recently emerged pictures.

下图所示的 Shen Nung中文性能表明,使用雷达探测最远 3.1 英里(5 公里)外的无人机。激光器据称功率在 10 到 20 千瓦之间,能够在近 2 英里(3 公里)的范围内发射非破坏性致盲,并实际摧毁进入一英里(1.5公里)的目标。,激光器一次可以运行时长长达 200 秒(?),并且需要“不到”5 分钟来充电。缺点是只能与一个目标交战,并且充电或射击间冷却需要时间

A machine translation of Chinese-language specifications for the Shen Nung, seen below, says that it is capable of detecting drones up to 3.1 miles (five kilometers) away using its radar. The system’s laser, stated to be in the 10 to 20-kilowatt power range, is said to be capable of launching non-destructive blinding or ‘dazzling’ attacks out to a range of nearly 2 miles (three kilometers) and of actually destroying certain targets that get within a mile (one and a half kilometers). The translation of the specification sheet also indicates that the laser can run for up to 200 seconds (just over three minutes) at a time, and needs “less than” five minutes to charge up for an initial engagement and between ‘shots.’ This highlights some of the core pros and cons of laser directed energy weapons, which offer benefits especially when it comes to functionally unlimited ‘magazine depth,’ but also can only engage one target at once and can require some amount of time to recharge or to cool between firings. 


It’s important to make clear here that even dazzling can be very effective against drones, including armed types, by blinding seekers and other optics, and thus disrupting their ability to find targets and prosecute attacks. At the same time, this is less useful against drones with more automated and/or multi-mode targeting capabilities.


From what can be seen in on the recently emerged images, the laser system also looks to have been one of a number of counter-drone capabilities emplaced together. A large planar array system in particular looks very much like what we have seen forhigh power microwave system concepts, with their advantage being their wide beams can rapidly disrupt or destroy more drones faster than that of a laser. What may have been an electronic warfare jammer or remotely operated gun system is also visible. Additional radars and other sensors are also a possibility. Layering different systems together would help provide a broader breadth of coverage against different tiers of uncrewed aerial systems



Other systems seen near the apparent Shen Nung deployed in Tehran last week, including what may be a high-power microwave at right and either an electronic warfare jammer or remotely operated gun system at left.


...especially to help protect the Supreme Leader, would also be a very likely top ask from the Iranian government to its Chinese counterparts, with which ithas a close relationship.


近年来,对反无人机系统的需求爆炸式增长。鹰酱军队一直在努力开发和部署各种级别的动能和非动能反无人机能力激光和微波定向能武器,以及电子干扰器,其中一些近年来在作战中实现了有限的部署。鹰酱官员特别强调了激光反无人机系统面临的困难——因为对环境因素、功率要求、热处理限制和其他问题很敏感。sensitivity to environmental factors, significant power requirements, thermal handling limitations, and other issues

尽管存在非常真实的威胁,但鹰酱政府其他部门在部署反无人机能力方面存在明显的滞后 a notable lag in the fielding of anti-drone capabilities by the U.S. armed forces and elsewhere within the U.S. government对比之下,波斯购买和部署了兔子的激光定向能反无人机系统,进一步凸显了这一点。

This is now further underscored by Iran’s apparent acquisition and deployment of a Chinese laser directed energy counter-drone system.


一个 Shen Nung就鹰酱觉得是对我兔反无人机最新技术的一瞥了,呵呵。

