”Soaring Tensions!​”

文摘   2024-10-17 06:20   山西  

”Soaring Tensions!”



2024年10月14日,AP NEWS报道:带喊就已经宣布;主体正准备——摧毁半岛公路的北部部分

North Korea is preparing to destroy northern parts of inter-Korean roads, Seoul says



SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — South Korea said Monday it has detected signs that North Korea is preparing to destroy the northern parts of inter-Korean roads no longer in use, as the rivals are embroiled in soaring tensions over North Korea’s claim that South Korea flew drones over its territory.



Destroying the roads would be in line with leader Kim Jong Un’s push to cut off ties with South Korea, formally cement it as his country’s principal enemy and abandon the North’s decades-long objective to seek a peaceful Korean unification.

领导人的姐姐高级官员Kim Yo Jong以极具嘲讽意味的言辞称——带喊军队是“渣滓”和“被鹰酱佬驯服的”。她周一14日表示,“那些狗的主人”——显然指的是鹰酱,也必须对所谓的无人机飞行负责。带喊鹰酱没有立即做出回应。

In a highly derisive rhetoric, Kim’s sister and senior official, Kim Yo Jong, called the South Korean military “dregs” and “mongrels tamed by Yankees.” She said Monday that “the master of those dogs,” an apparent reference to the U.S., must be held accountable for the alleged drone flights as well. South Korea and the U.S. had no immediate responses.



Earlier Monday, South Korea’s military said that it was observing various activities in North Korea that appeared to be preparations for demolishing the roads, such as installing screens.

带喊参谋长联席会议发言人李成俊Lee Sung Joon在一次简报会上说“主体在道路上安装了遮蔽帘,并在这些遮蔽帘后面工作,准备炸毁道路”。拆除工作最早可以在14日周一进行。

“They have installed screens on the roads and are working behind those screens, preparing to blow up the roads,” Lee Sung Joon, spokesperson of South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a briefing. He said the demolitions could be carried out as early as Monday.

带喊研判,军方当天观察到的主体活动,旨在切断韩朝连接公路并开展要塞化工程。 主体已从2023年底起,在东海线和京义线公路附近埋设地雷,拆除路灯、铁路轨道和临近的配套建筑。





2024年10月9日,主体总参谋部日前发布消息称,将完全切断与带喊连接的公路和铁路,进行防御设施要塞化加固工程。 主体同一天向联合国军司令部通报相关内容,并主体将动员大量人员和装备进行作业,相关作业还包括爆破工作



今年,西边的巴以黎以两毛已经够热闹了,南海也一直没消停,这半岛又开始折腾。全球局势紧张不断升级——Soaring Tensions——已经是清楚的现实。

