
文摘   科学   2024-12-30 06:14   老挝  
根据2010年美国膳食指南,癌症患者应该每天摄入至少2-3 cups的蔬菜和1.5-2 cups的水果(1cup=8盎司,1盎司=28.3495231 g)。这些建议基于蔬菜和水果中所含的各种营养素和抗氧化剂对健康的积极作用。


1. Boffetta P, et al. Fruit and vegetable intake and overall cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 2010.
2. Aune D, et al. Dietary fibre, whole grains, and risk of colorectal cancer: systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of prospective studies. British Medical Journal, 2011.
3. Wang X, et al. Fruit and vegetable consumption and mortality from all causes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer: systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. British Medical Journal, 2014.
4. Giovannucci E, et al. Fruit and vegetable intake and risk of major chronic disease. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 2005.
5. Aune D, et al. Fruit and vegetable consumption and the risk of stomach and esophageal adenocarcinoma: a meta-analysis of observational studies. European Journal of Cancer, 2010.
6. Smith-Warner SA, et al. Fruit and vegetable intake and cancer risk in a pooled analysis of 14 cohort studies. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 2005.
7. Liu RH. Health benefits of fruit and vegetables are from additive and synergistic combinations of phytochemicals. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003.
8. Zhang M, et al. Fruits, vegetables, and risk of renal cell carcinoma: a prospective study of Swedish women. American Journal of Epidemiology, 2006.
9. Liang W, et al. Phytochemicals and prostate cancer: prevention and treatment. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2016.

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