Fighting lung cancer online forum丨战胜肺癌第一百零一期

文摘   2025-01-10 18:02   天津  


Fighting lung cancer online forumfighting lung cancer怀



1月12  09:00
1月11  20:00

第一百零一期线上论坛,美国科罗拉多大学医学院和癌症中心Sharon Pine教授美国埃默里大学医学院和癌症中心孙士勇教授,将基于“Interplay between stem cell transcription factors and immunosuppression in non-small cell lung cancer”展开精彩讲座,敬请期待!

孙士勇 教授


  • 就职于美国埃默里大学医学院和癌症中心。现为血液和肿瘤内科系终身教授和佐治亚州硏究联盟的杰出癌症研究科学家

  • 所在团队主要致力于研究肿瘤治疗新靶点以及靶向药物作用机理和耐药机制。在研究与细胞凋亡有关的死亡受体和mTOR信号传导通路方面做了大量的工作。最近关注研究第三代表皮生长因子抑制剂在治疗肺癌耐药方面的问题

  • 发表SCI原著研究论文160余篇和综述或评论文章30余篇。以首席研究者(principle investigator)或项目负责人(project leader)身份承担美国国立癌症研究所和国防部等科研项目10余项

  • 是30多种学术期刊比如Molecular Cancer, BMC Cancer, Molecular Carcinogenesis, Cancer Biology and Therapy, Cancer Prevention Research的副编辑(associate editor), 高级编委(senior editor)或者编委 。担任超过90余种国际SCI期刊的审稿人和10多个国家或机构的基金评审专家。直接指导近30名博士后和10余名国内来访博士研究生

Sharon Pine 教授

The University of Colorado School of Medicine and Cancer Center

  • Dr. Sharon Pine graduated with a PhD in Experimental Pathology from New York Medical College, and went on to her post-doctoral fellowship training with Dr. Curtis Harris at the National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, where her research focused on therapeutic targeting of lung cancer stem cells. 

  • Dr. Pine is now at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and Cancer Center as a Professor in Medical Oncology and Director of the Thoracic Oncology Research Initiative (TORI).

  • Dr. Pine's awards include the Brigid Leventhal Merit Award for the highest ranking abstract at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting, NCI Fellows Award for Research Excellence, NCI K22 Career Development Award, and the Richard C. Devereaux Outstanding Young Investigator Award in Lung Cancer. 

  • She serves on research grant review committees for the Department of Defense and National Cancer Institute, and international granting agencies. 

  • She has published peer-reviewed journal articles in top-tier journals including Nature Cell Biology, Journal of Clinical Investigation, and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 

  • She is the Editor in Chief of the journal Carcinogenesis and the Assistant Chief Editor for Frontiers in Oncology.

  • Her current work focuses on lung cancer, with an emphasis on mouse models of lung cancer development progression, targeting therapeutic resistance, and discovery of novel targets for lung cancer immunotherapy. She has extensive experience in preclinical models including organoids and patient-derived xenografts.


