全球变化显著影响了草地生态系统的功能和过程。联网实验是探索全球变化在区域和全球尺度上影响的强大工具,其中Nutrient Network、Drought Net和NPKD等全球联网实验研究极大提升了我们对富营养化、干旱及其相互作用影响的理解。为进一步促进各网络站点的合作,为全球草地生态学家搭建合作的桥梁,北京林业大学草业与草原学院将于2024年10月10日至12日在北京主办“国际草地生态学会议暨干旱网络研讨会”。会议将邀请国内外草地生态学及全球变化领域的知名专家学者,共同探讨草地生态系统对全球变化的响应机制及适应策略,助力解决全球环境挑战和生态可持续发展问题。诚挚邀请相关领域的专家、学者及研究生积极参与,共同推动草地生态学的前沿研究与实践。本次会议限额200人,额满为止。
1. 大会主题
2. 组织机构
Grass and Forage Science杂志
3. 大会特邀专家
Melinda SMITH, Sally POWER, Anke JENTSCH, Yann HAUTIER, Laura YAHDJIAN, Hans LAMBERS, 韩兴国, 白永飞, 杨元合
4. 会议日程
报到时间:上午7:30-8:30 下午13:00-14:00
会议地点 北京林业大学图书馆五层报告厅
5. 会议地点
6. 会议注册
7. 联系我们
晏颖杰,18610463004, yan1992@bjfu.edu.cn
Melinda D. Smith 博士是科罗拉多州立大学生物系的教授,在堪萨斯州立大学获得博士学位。她的研究主要集中于理解草原生态系统中植物物种的分布模式和动态及其对生态系统功能的影响。她领导建立了国际干旱网络实验。2021年,她当选为科罗拉多州立大学的教师委员会成员,并于2023年成为教师委员会主席。同年,她还被选为美国科学促进会的会士。Smith 博士在Nature、Science、PNAS和Ecology Letters等顶级期刊上发表了200多篇文章。她的研究已被引用约3万次,H指数为80。
Sally Power 博士是西悉尼大学霍克斯伯里环境研究所的教授。她采用多种实证方法,从中尺度实验到大规模的野外试验和观测,研究气候变化对陆地生态系统的直接和间接影响。她的研究考察了人类活动如何影响叶片、植物和群落层面的过程,以及这些变化如何影响生态系统功能和可持续性。她在领先的SCI期刊上发表了200多篇文章。
Anke Jentsch 博士是拜罗伊特大学的教授,是干扰生态学研究小组的负责人,2001年在比勒费尔德大学获得博士学位。她的研究兴趣包括气候极端事件对生物多样性的影响,干扰在生物多样性出现、维持和丧失中的作用,土地利用变化及其对文化景观中生物多样性的影响,以及自然风险、火生态学和灾害研究。Jentsch 博士发表论文300多篇,她的研究工作被引用约2万次,H指数为68。
Yann Hautier 博士于 2010 年获得瑞士苏黎世大学环境科学研究所的博士学位,现在是荷兰乌得勒支大学生物系的副教授。他的研究主要集中于探索驱动植物多样性变化响应全球环境变化的潜在机制,以及这些变化如何影响草地生态系统的功能和不同时空尺度的生态服务的提供。他在Nature、Science、PNAS、Nature Communications和Ecology Letters等顶级期刊上发表论文100 余篇,被引用超过 14,000 次,H指数为 47。
Laura Yahdjian 博士是阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯大学农学院生态学系的教授。她于2004年在布宜诺斯艾利斯大学获得博士学位。她的研究兴趣广泛,主要集中在陆地生态系统生态学领域,关注生态系统层面的问题,包括初级生产力的控制、生态系统水动力学以及外来植物入侵对生态系统功能的影响。她参与了两个国际性全球研究网络Nutrient Network 和 Drought Net。在SCI期刊上发表论文80余篇。
Hans Lambers博士是西澳大利亚大学荣休教授,北京林业大学战略科学家。他是国际著名的植物生理生态专家,专门研究根际生物学和澳大利亚本土植物及农作物的矿物营养。他的研究探讨了这些植物如何有效地从营养贫瘠的土壤中获取磷。2003年,他被选为荷兰皇家艺术与科学学院院士,2012年当选为澳大利亚科学院院士。自1992年以来一直担任《Plant and Soil》主编。2018年,他获得国际根研究学会终身成就奖,并被任命为中国农业大学国家农业绿色发展研究院的特聘教授。2023年,他因在植物科学领域的杰出贡献以及对学会和更广泛社区的服务而获得澳大利亚植物科学家学会的终身会员资格。他还在中国担任多个名誉教授职务。他已发表超过600篇文章,论文总被引约67,000次,H因子为122。
杨元合,中国科学院植物研究所研究员、博士生导师。以青藏高原高寒生态系统为研究对象,基于野外观测、控制实验、室内培养和模型模拟等手段,重点开展土壤与全球变化、生态系统碳-氮-磷循环及其交互作用研究。杨博士于2013年获得基金委“优秀青年科学基金”资助,2018年获得“国家杰出青年基金”资助,2021-2024年入选“Elsevier中国高被引学者”。曾获“何梁何利基金科学与技术创新奖” “科学探索奖” “中国青年科技奖”等荣誉。担任植被与环境变化重点实验室主任、北京生态学学会理事长、中国生态学学会常务理事、中国植物学会/中国青藏高原研究会理事等学术职务。在多个国际顶尖期刊发表SCI论文100余篇,总被引14000余次,H因子66。
International Grassland Ecology Conference: Climate Change and Adaptation ((2nd Round of Notification))
Global changes have significantly impacted the functions and processes of grassland ecosystems. Coordinated experimental network research serve as powerful tools for exploring the effects of global change at both regional and global scales. Nutrient Network, Drought Net, and NPKD have greatly enhanced our understanding of the effects of eutrophication, drought, and their interactions.To further promote collaboration among network sites and establish a bridge for global grassland ecologists, the School of Grassland Science, Beijing Forestry University, will host the “International Grassland Ecology Conference and Drought Network Seminar” from October 10 to 12, 2024, in Beijing, China. The conference will invite renowned experts and scholars from both domestic and international communities in grassland ecology and global change to discuss the response mechanisms and adaptation strategies of grassland ecosystems to global change. We sincerely invite experts, scholars, and graduate students in related fields to participate actively and jointly promote cutting-edge research and practice in grassland ecology. The conference is limited to 200 participants, and registration will close once the capacity is reached.
1. Conference Theme
Grassland Ecosystems and Global Change
2. Organizing Institutions
School of Grassland Science, Beijing Forestry University (BFU)
National Ecological Research Station of Inner Mongolia Horqin Grassland Ecosystem
Grassland Management Professional Committee, Chinese Grassland Society
Grassland Ecology Professional Committee, Chinese Grassland Society
Long-Term Ecological Research Professional Committee, Ecological Society of China
The National Innovation Alliance for Grassland Conservation in the Agro-Pastoral Ecotone
Grass and Forage Science
College of Agro-grassland Science, Nanjing Agricultural University
Scientific Advisory Committee
REN Jizhou, NAN Zhibiao, YU Guirui, ZHANG Fusuo, HAN Xingguo, WANG Yanfen
Members (in alphabetical order):
BAI Xiaoming, BAI Yongfei, CHEN Baodong, FAN Jiangwen, FENG Wenting, GUO Zhenfei, HE Jinsheng, HOU Fujiang, JI Baoming, LI Yonghong, LIU Lingli, LUO Wentao, LV Xiaotao, NIU Shuli, REN Haiyan, SHANG Zhanhuan, SUN Shucun, SUN Wei, WANG Shiping, WANG Deli, WANG Zhengwen, WU Gaolin, XIE Yingzhong, YANG Yuanhe, YUAN Wenping, ZHANG Bo, ZHANG Yangjian, ZHANG Yingjun, ZHANG Yunhai, ZHAO Xinquan, ZUO Xiaoan
Organizing Committee
Conference Chairs:
DONG Shikui and YU Qiang
Conference Secretaries:
REN Haiyan and PING Xiaoyan
Working Committee
LIU Wenjing
YAN Yingjie, LI Ying, CUI Xiaoqing, HAO Zhen, XING Fangru, LI Wanying, JIN Rong, LI Shuyan, DAI Xinling, CHENG Jin
3. Keynote Speakers:
Melinda SMITH, Sally POWER, Anke JENTSCH, Yann HAUTIER, Laura YAHDJIAN, HAN Xingguo, BAI Yongfei, YANG Yuanhe
4. Conference Schedule
October 11-12, 2024: Registration and Check-in, Pick Up Conference Materials.
Note: All participants need to register and check in only once.
· Check-In Time: 7:30 AM-8:30 AM, 13:00-14:00 PM
· Check-In Locations:
o Room 310, 3th Floor, Faculty and Student Services Center, BFU (October 11, AM)
o Room B0402, 4th Floor, Teaching and Scientific Research Building, BFU (October 11, PM)
o Lecture Hall, 5th Floor, Library, BFU (October 12, AM)
October 11, 2024: Drought Net Workshop (Internal Meeting)
· Time: 8:30-11:30 AM
· Venue: Room 310, 3th Floor, Faculty and Student Services Center, BFU
October 11, 2024: International Grassland Ecology Conference-Young Scholars Section
·Time: 14:00 - 17:30 PM
·Venue: Room B0402, 4th Floor, Teaching and Scientific Research Building, BFU
October 12, 2024: International Grassland Ecology Conference-Academic Report
·Time: 8:30-17:30 PM
·Venue: Lecture Hall, 5th Floor, Library, BFU
October 13, 2024: Departure
5. Venue
Beijing Forestry University
Address: No. 35 Qinghua East Road, Haidian District, Beijing
Given the limited information provided in the initial response regarding accommodation, the conference organizing committee will not be responsible for arranging hotel bookings. We recommend that all participants make their own reservations. We suggest staying at the Xijiao Hotel or a hotel near the conference venue. Please book your accommodation in advance based on your itinerary to ensure your needs are met.
6. Conference Registration
There is no registration fee for the conference, and meals will be provided during the event.
Long press to scan the QR code below or register via the link provided:
Important Reminder: Please scan the QR code to join the WeChat group for registered attendees. Specific registration locations and other relevant information will be announced in the group.
International Grassland Ecology Conference
Notification Group
7. Contact Us:
YanYingjie,+8618610463004, yan1992@bjfu.edu.cn
KeYuguang,+8617864272280, kygcaas@163.com
International Grassland Ecology Conference-Young Scholars Section Agenda
International Grassland Ecology Conference-Academic Report Agenda
Invited Speakers Introduction
Melinda SMITH
Professor, Colorado State University
Dr. Melinda D. Smith is a professor in the Department of Biology at Colorado State University. She earned her PhD from Kansas State University. Her research focuses on understanding the patterns and dynamics of plant species in grassland ecosystems and how they influence ecosystem function. She organized the International Drought Experiment. In 2021, she was elected to the Faculty Council at Colorado State University and in 2023, she became Chair of the Faculty Council. That same year, she was also elected as a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Dr. Smith has published over 200 articles in prestigious journals such as Nature, Science, PNAS and Ecology Letters. Her work has been cited around 30,000 times, and she has an H-index of 80.
Professor, Western Sydney University
Dr. Sally Power is a professor at the Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, Western Sydney University. She uses a range of empirical approaches, from mesocosm experiments to large-scale field manipulations and surveys, to study the direct and indirect effects of climate change on terrestrial ecosystems. Her research examines how human activities impact processes at the leaf, plant, and community levels, and how these changes affect ecosystem function and sustainability. She has published over 200 articles in leading SCI journals.
Professor, University of Bayreuth
Dr. Anke Jentsch is a professor at the University of Bayreuth, where she leads the Disturbance Ecology research group. She earned her PhD from the Bielefeld University in 2001. Her research interests include the effects of climatic extreme events on biodiversity, the role of disturbances in the emergence, maintenance, and loss of biodiversity, land use changes and their impact on biodiversity in cultural landscapes, as well as natural risks, fire ecology, and disaster research. Dr. Jentsch has published over 300 articles in leading SCI journals, with her work being cited around 20,000 times. She has an H-index of 68.
Associate professor, Utrecht University
Dr. Yann Hautier received his PhD from the Institute of Environmental Sciences at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, in 2010. He is an associate professor in the Department of Biology at Utrecht University, Netherlands. His research focuses on investigating the underlying factors that drive changes in plant diversity in response to global environmental shifts, and how these changes impact the functioning of grassland ecosystems and the provision of ecological services across various spatial and temporal scales. He has published over 100 articles in leading journals such as Nature, Science, PNAS, Nature Communications and Ecology Letters. His work has been cited around 14,000 times, and he has an H-index of 47.
Professor, University of Buenos Aires
Dr. Laura Yahdjian is a professor of the department of Ecology in the School of Agronomy, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. She received her PhD from the University of Buenos Aires in 2004. Her broad scale research interests are in the area of terrestrial ecosystem ecology, with a focus on ecosystem-level questions including controls of primary production, ecosystem-water dynamics, and the effects of exotic plant invasions on ecosystem functioning. She is involved in two international global research networks, Nutrient Network and Drought Net. She has published over 80 papers in SCI journals.
Professor, University of Western Australia
Dr. Hans Lambers is an emeritus professor at the University of Western Australia and the strategic scientist at Beijing Forestry University. He is one of most famous ecophysiologists, and specializes in rhizosphere biology and the mineral nutrition of Australian native and crop plants. His research explores how these plants efficiently acquire phosphorus from nutrient-poor soils. He was elected to the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2003 and to the Australian Academy of Science in 2012. He has also been the Chief in Editor of Plant and Soil since1992. In 2018, he received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Society of Root Research and was appointed as a Distinguished Professor at the National Academy of Agriculture Green Development at China Agricultural University. In 2023, he was honored with Life Membership in the Australian Society of Plant Scientists for his outstanding contributions to plant science and his service to the society and broader community. He also holds multiple honorary professorships in China. He has published over 600 refereed articles. His work has been cited around 67,000 times, and he has an H-index of 122.
Xingguo HAN
Distinguished Professor, Hebei University
Dr. Xingguo Han is currently a distinguished professor, researcher, and doctoral supervisor at Hebei University. He obtained his PhD in Ecology from the University of Georgia in the United States in 1989 and subsequently conducted postdoctoral research at Rutgers University. In 1992, he returned to China to work at the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has served as the deputy director of the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, director of the Institute of Botany, and director of the Shenyang Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Professor Han has held several important positions, including president of the Chinese Botanical Society, IUCN Asia Regional Council member, chair of the Human Resources Policy Committee, and editor or editorial board member of several academic journals. He has led over ten significant national research projects and published more than 100 SCI papers as the first or corresponding author in various top international journals, with over 18,000 citations and an H-index of 69.
Yongfei BAI
Researcher, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Dr. Yongfei Bai is a researcher and doctoral supervisor at the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, a distinguished researcher of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a faculty professor at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is also the director of the Inner Mongolia Grassland Ecosystem Research Station of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was awarded the National Outstanding Young Scientist Fund in 2008, received the State Council Government Special Allowance in 2010, was selected as a "Grassland Talent" in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in 2011, and was recognized as a national candidate for the National Hundred Thousand Talents Project in 2014. In recent years, he has led and undertaken over ten significant projects, including national key research and development programs, key basic research projects ("973" program), strategic pilot projects of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and important international cooperation projects. He currently serves as the chair of the Plant Ecology Professional Committee of the Chinese Botanical Society and is an editorial board member for several academic journals. He has published over 100 research papers as the first or corresponding author, including more than 70 papers in SCI journals such as Nature, Science, and PNAS.
Yuanhe YANG
Researcher, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Science
Dr. Yuanhe Yang is a researcher and doctoral supervisor at the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research focuses on the alpine ecosystems of the Tibetan Plateau, utilizing field observations, controlled experiments, laboratory cultivation, and modeling simulations to study soil and global change, as well as the interactions of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles in ecosystems. Dr. Yang received funding from the National Natural Science Foundation of China for the "Excellent Young Scientists Fund" in 2013 and the "National Outstanding Young Scientist Fund" in 2018. He was recognized as an "Elsevier Highly Cited Researcher in China" from 2021 to 2024. He has received honors such as the "He Liang He Li Foundation Science and Technology Innovation Award," the "Science Exploration Award," and the "Chinese Youth Science and Technology Award." He serves in several academic positions, including director of the Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environmental Change, president of the Beijing Ecological Society, executive director of the Chinese Ecological Society, and director of the Chinese Botanical Society/Chinese Tibetan Plateau Research Association. He has published over 100 SCI papers in top international journals, with more than 14,000 citations and an H-index of 66.
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