2024-10-12 21:12
本次会议邀请了多位来自国内外草地生态学和全球变化领域的知名专家和学者,以及来自世界各地的200多名参与者。预祝本次会议取得圆满成功,并成为长期合作的开端。我衷心祝愿所有与会者在北京能有所收获并度过一段愉快的时光。Chairman’s Speech at International Grassland Ecology Conference: Climate Change and Adaptation
Distinguished Vice President of Beijing Forestry University, Prof. Li Xiong, Esteemed guests, dear friends and colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,As a co-chair, I would like to express my best regards to all of you on behalf of the organization and academic committees of International Grassland Ecology Conference: Climate Change and Adaptation. You are warmly welcomed to this important conference organized by Beijing Forestry University, sponsored by School of Grassland Science, Beijing Forestry University and National Ecological Research Station of Inner Mongolia Horqin Grassland Ecosystem, co-sponsored by Grassland Management Committee of Chinese Grassland Society, Grassland Ecology Committee of Chinese Grassland Society, Long-Term Ecological Research Committee, Ecological Society of China, The National Innovation Alliance for Grassland Conservation in the Agro-Pastoral Ecotone, Journal of Grass and Forage Science, College of Agro-grassland Science, Nanjing Agricultural University.In this beautiful golden season, we are gathering in Beijing to talk about the hot issue: Climate Change and Adaptation in Grassland Ecosystem. As many of you know, Grassland is the one of most important biomes and ecosystems in the world. Covering around 40% of the global territory sand nearly 70% of the agricultural land area in the world, grassland not only serves as an important global reservoir of biological diversity including plants, animals and microbes, but also provides a wide range of material and non-material benefits to our human beings, including numerous ecosystem services, such as food production, water supply and regulation, carbon storage and climate mitigation, pollination and a host of cultural services. Despite the extraordinary importance of grassland, the sustainability of the different grasslands worldwide including Steppe in Eurasia, Prairie in North America, Pampas in South America, Sanvanna in Eastern Africa and Australia, Veld in South Africa and many more other types of global grasslands, is being threatened by the ongoing global changes, particularly climate change. As key drivers, global changes have significantly impacted the functions and processes of grassland ecosystems, resulting in widespread degradation in many parts of the world, with nearly half of total grassland area in the world degraded at present. Grassland degradation may cause enormous risks to the hundreds of millions of people who live on grasslands for food, fuel, fibre and medicinal products, in addition to cultural values. Furthermore, grassland degradation may create tremendous environmental problems, such as water and soil erosion, biodiversity loss, and greenhouse gas emission.This critical situation is challenging professionals and practitioners worldwide to think about the future sustainability of the grasslands worldwide. As we know, the World Health Organization (WHO) is advocating the concept of “One Health”, which is addressing the overall health of human beings, living creatures and ecosystems on the earth planet. Today, I world like to propose a term “One Grassland” to highlight the importance of promoting the sustainability of grasslands worldwide in the era of global changes. The academia, policymakers and practitioners should acknowledge the necessities of effective collaborations among key stakeholders across the worlds, as well as a better understanding of the influence of differing scales of biological organization. Coordinated and collaborative network research serve as powerful tool for exploring the effects of global change at both regional and global scales. Nutrient Network, Drought Net, and NPKD have greatly enhanced our understanding of the effects of eutrophication, drought, and their interactions on the grassland ecosystems across the world. To further promote collaboration among many more research networks and establish a bridge for worldwide grassland scientists, we organize this conference to examine the impacts of climate change on the global grasslands and adaptation strategies to cope with these impacts.Based on extensive experiences obtained from the grassland studies worldwide by the experts in this room and many more who can not attend this conference, we have identified six major thematic areas for the conferences: (1) Impacts of climate change on grassland ecosystem services and functions; (2) Nutritive addition and nutrition management for healthy grassland ecosystems; (3) Grassland biodiversity conservation in coping with climate change; (4) Carbon cycling and climate change in grassland ecosystems; (5) Plant-soil interface and stability of grassland ecosystems in response to climate change; (6) Adaptive management of grassland ecosystems in era of climate change. These thematic areas form the basis for this conference. In addition, the importance of these areas is expected to attract research interest from many more individuals and organizations inside and outside China to jointly examine Climate Change and Adaptation from the perspective of grassland and to serve as platform models for building effective, collaborative partnerships. All of you are warmly welcome to join the research networks hand in hand, as multi-institutional collaboration is central to successfully addressing these key issues.This conference has invited a group of well-known experts and scholars from both domestic and international communities in grassland ecology and global change. In addition, this conference has attracted more than 200 participants from different corners of world. I hope this conference will be a big success and the beginning of many long-term collaborations. I sincerely wish all the participants a productive and pleasant stay here in Beijing.