Ni@TiO₂/TP 的制备和物理表征
图 1. (a) XRD pattern of Ni@TiO₂/TP. SEM images of (b) TiO₂/TP and (c) Ni@TiO₂/TP. (d) TEM and (e) HRTEM images of Ni@TiO₂. (f) HAADF-STEM and its corresponding mapping images of Ni@TiO₂. High-resolution XPS spectra in the (g) Ni 2p, (h) Ti 2p, and (i) O 1s regions of Ni@TiO₂.
Ni@TiO₂/TP 直接作为自支撑电极,进行电化学测试。在循环伏安法曲线中显示出明显的氧化峰,表明有效的葡萄糖电化学氧化。不同扫描速率的电流响应,其与扫描速率的平方根呈线性关系,说明在 Ni@TiO₂/TP 电极上发生了扩散控制反应。
图 2. (a) CV curves for the Ni@TiO₂/TP and TiO₂/TP electrodes in the absence and presence of glucose in 0.1 M NaOH. (b) CV curves of the Ni@TiO₂/TP electrode in a mixed solution of 0.1 mM glucose and 0.1 M NaOH (20–200 mV s⁻¹). (c) Calibration plots for anodic and cathodic peak current responses versus the square roots of the scan rates for the Ni@TiO₂/TP electrode. (d) CV curves for the Ni@TiO₂/TP electrode upon the successive addition of 0.1 M glucose in 0.1 M NaOH.
使用计时电流法确定了 Ni@TiO₂/TP 对不同浓度葡萄糖的响应,线性范围为 1 μM ~ 1 mM,检测限为 0.08 μM (S/N = 3)。此外,实验表明该电化学传感器具有高选择性、重复性、稳定性。
图 3. CA curves for the Ni@TiO₂/TP electrode with the successive addition of glucose at different potentials (0.45 – 0.55 V). (b) CA curves for the Ni@TiO₂/TP electrode with the consecutive addition of varying glucose concentration at 0.50 V (inset: current response at trace glucose concentrations). (c) Corresponding standard curves of current response with different concentrations from the CA curve. (d) CA curve for the addition of glucose and various interfering substances. (e) CA curves for multiple bending angles. (f) CA curves after multiple bending cycles at a 90° angle.
采用 Ni@TiO₂/TP 电极检测人血清和细胞培养液中的葡萄糖,评估该电化学葡萄糖传感器的适用性。
图 4. CA curves of the Ni@TiO₂/TP electrode with the successive addition of 0.1 mM glucose and their corresponding standard curves (a) and (b) in human blood serum samples and (c) and (d) in cell culture fluid.
该成果以 “Ni@TiO₂ nanoribbon array electrode for high-efficiency non-enzymatic glucose biosensing”(《Ni@TiO₂ 纳米带阵列电极用于高效非酶葡萄糖生物传感》) 为题,发表在英国皇家化学会期刊 Journal of Materials Chemistry B 上,并入选为 hot article。
Ni@TiO2 nanoribbon array electrode for high-efficiency non-enzymatic glucose biosensing Peilin Wu,‡ Jianying Yang,‡ Yunze Tai, Xun He, Limei Zhang, Jiwen Fan, Yongchao Yao, Binwu Ying, Wenchuang (Walter) Hu, Fengming Luo, Xuping Sun*(孙旭平,四川大学华西医院/山东师范大学) and Yi Li*(李壹,四川大学华西医院) J. Mater. Chem. B, 2024, 12, 8897-8901
J. Mater. Chem. B
2-年影响因子* | 6.1分 |
5-年影响因子* | 6.1分 |
JCR 分区* | Q1 材料-生物材料 |
CiteScore 分† | 12.0分 |
中位一审周期‡ | 37 天 |
Journal of Materials Chemistry A、B 和 C 报道材料化学各领域的高质量理论或实验研究工作。这三本期刊发表的论文侧重于报道对材料及其性质的新理解、材料的新应用以及材料合成的新方法。Journal of Materials Chemistry A、B 和 C 的区别在于所报道材料的不同预期用途。粗略的划分是,Journal of Materials Chemistry A 报道材料在能源和可持续性方面的应用,Journal of Materials Chemistry B 报道材料在生物学和医学方面的应用,Journal of Materials Chemistry C 报道材料在光学、磁学和电子设备方面的应用。
Jeroen Cornelissen
🇳🇱 特温特大学
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