新作 | “树院、街房、城展”榆林古城南门工贸院改造 / 土木石建筑

学术   2024-09-27 17:31   广东  

△ 六楼骑街与项目位置 Six-Tower Street and site location

△ 六个骑楼下部有着相似的十字联通拱廊 The arcade at the bottom of the Six-Tower 


In 2022, the Yuyang Government and the CBC launched the renew plan of old Town. Tumushi was invited to carry out an intervention of the Industry and Trade department yard, inserting multi-programs into the building. We believe the design roots in history, but should be based on contemporary view and the site itself, to create a place suitable for daily life.

△ 工贸院现状照片:杂乱的外部环境和热闹的街巷氛围 Original photo of the messy street

△ 工贸院现状照片:街前的三棵大榆树 Original photo of three elm trees


The building is an antiqued courtyard built in 2006. The purpose of design is transform the outdoor place, shops and underground markets into leisure yard, tourist center and exhibition hall. Based on the site itself, the renewal strategy is named “Tree Yard, Street House, and Town Exhibition”.


△ 轴测图展示出“树院、街房、城展”的设计策略 The axonometric


The "Tree Yard" is a rectangular site with 27 x 8 meters in front of building. The three big trees almost covers the entire site. The paving materials are recycled blue bricks, which contrast with the modern transparent glazing facade. Fixed seats are placed under the shade of trees to form a leisurely "tree yard" .


△ 从南城门望向工贸院 View towards the building from the South Gate

△ 围绕三颗榆树的前门庭院 The front courtyard surrounds three trees

△ 榆林古城更新展位于地下,轻质雨棚既是一种功能的需要,也成为一种路径的引导。

The exhibition hall is underground . The canopy is not only a functional object, but also a guide.

△ 树荫下的休憩庭院 Yard under the shade of trees


Originally, the room was a row of shops. When the partition were removed, the whole shop becomes a 27X9M entire space for tourist centre. The antiqued facade is too solid to replaced the wooden doors with transparent glazing. In the middle of room, six boxes are lined up, which not only hide the existing columns, but also serve as storage. The outside of boxes is service core. The Six boxes, stacking with wood strips facade, gradually cantilevered towards the outdoor and indoor. the shape of “arch-room” makes them looks like the bottom arcade of The Six-Tower on the central street. Combing with liner space and blue brick pavement, the renewal tourist centre is called “Street House”.


△ 街房拼贴意向 The image of Street House Collage

△ 沿街面一字排开的六个拱房 Six arch rooms show on the street

△ 街房内部 The interior of “Street House”

△ 拱房细节 Detail of arch-room

△ 拱房由樟子松木条交错层叠搭而成 The arch-room is made of staggered pine wood strips

△ 拱房构造示意 construction diagram of the arch-room

△ 拱房隐形门构造示意 Invisible door construction diagram of the arch-room


△ 平面图 Plan


The exhibition hall is a rectangular space of 27 meters by 30 meters on the underground floor. There are 16 columns, arranged in a matrix of 4x4. We want to hide columns and obtain a complete space to meet the exhibition program. the 12 outer columns is transformed into a circle exhibition walls. At the same time, Wall divides the space into a narrow outer corridor and a wide inner square which centre the Micro-scale model of old town. The name of "Town Exhibition" not only reflects the programs of the exhibition, but also expresses that the spacial structure itself.


△ 回字形结构的展览空间 The exhibition space

△ 榆林古城更新计划展 The Yulin old Town Renew Plan Exhibition


The three proposals of "Tree Yard, Street House and Town Exhibition" are a transition from open to private in terms of spatial experience. But in terms of design strategy, it is just the opposite. We think It is interesting that tourists will experience the cultural impact when people gradual entry from the noise street to cultural space.


△ 剖面示意一 Section

△ 剖面示意二 Section

△ 细部构造 Detail



面 积:1,050平方米



业 主:榆阳区政府/CBC建筑中心 

设 计:土木石建筑






摄 影:金伟琦

Project name: Intervention of the Yulin couryard house

Location: Yulin, China

Area: 1,050 M2

Design period: 2022.03-2023.06

Construction period: 2022.06-2023.06

Client: Yuyang Government/CBC

Design: Tumushi Architects

Lead Architects:Yan Bai , Qili Yang

Project Leader:Zuliang Wang, Dong Wang

Design team:Taotao Zhou , Lina Ma, Linlin Zhang

Partners:Taiyuan Architectural Design Company/Qishi Design

Photography: Weiqi Jin

编辑 / 朱璐阳
校对 / 戴婧

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