新作 | 丽江复游城 Foliday,雪山下的自然理性推演 / MLA+

学术   2024-10-12 17:32   广东  

△ 场地特质实景

2021年,MLA+亩加深度参与了丽江复游城 Foliday 全域规划设计与景观规划设计。用一年的时间,陪伴业主共同优化和调整复游城度假区的规划与设计。在这片具有灵气的场所中,我们最大化自然的感染力,以全域旅文的系统生态,从规划、运营、设计切入,梳理整体逻辑框架。

In 2021, MLA+ participated deeply in the overall planning and design, as well as the landscape planning and design, of Lijiang Foliday City. Over the course of a year, we accompanied the property owner in optimizing and adjusting the planning and design of the Foliday City resort area. In this spirited location, we maximized the power of nature, using a comprehensive tourism and culture system ecology. We approached from planning, operation, and design perspectives to organize the overall logical framework.

丽江复游城 Foliday 位于云南省丽江市,北联玉龙雪山,南接白沙古镇。

Foliday Lijiang is located in Lijiang City, Yunnan Province, with the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain to the north and the Baisha Ancient Town to the south.


At the southwest foot of the snow-capped mountains, walking south along the Qinglong River, the river connects the Bai Sha area, Shuhe Ancient Town, and the Old Town of Lijiang, with the site located upstream of the cluster of ancient towns. The wetlands spread along the river, forming the heart of the site. It has been a long time since I've encountered such a wonderful site.


△ 场地特质实景





Here, the snow-capped peaks are the backdrop, the core of the scenic sight.

Here, nature's voice is heard, felt, in every slight.

Each tree, a masterpiece between sky and earth's floor.

Wheat fields, rocks, green grass, flowers galore,nature's gifts, and so much more.


The subtle folds formed by geological movements are the contours of the land, bringing a natural sequence for exploration. With the layering of different earthy textures, the experience becomes unique.The unadorned natural landscape possesses a unique aura and soul. Perhaps by going with the flow, we can unlock its greatest charm and value.

△ 景观特质mapping

Start all planning with the fragile and barren, but beautiful quality of thehigh-altitude mountain valley landscape.

设计任务非零起步,我们需要在上一版规划基础上进行调整与优化。在正式介入前,一期住宅与 Club Med 主体部分建筑正在建设中,场地核心区域、主题商业街、营地、二期与三期的住宅、总体公共空间,都处于待优化的状态。在深度评估原方案后,我们决定进行规划思路的转变,出发点的差异决定了场地原则,布局,与未来走势的变化。

The design task does not start from scratch; we need to adjust and optimize based on the previous planning version. Before our formal involvement, the phase one residential area and the main part of the Club Med are under construction. The core area of the site, the themed commercial street, the camp, the residential areas for phases two and three, and the overall public spaces are all in a state awaiting optimization. After a thorough evaluation of the original plan, we decided to shift our planning approach. The difference in starting points determines the principles of the site, the layout, and the future direction of development.

△ 深度上一版规划评估


The natural landscape has left its marks: melted snowwater, folded earth, rivers, wetlands, farmlands, grassy slopes, villages...The location and quality assets of this area cannot be replicated, which is the most unique part in the design.Everything leaves a trace, and nature becomes the origin of planning order. By cherishing and enhancing the existing natural beauty, it becomes the foundation and basis of the planning framework.


△ 青龙河


With the Green Dragon River + wetland + lake body at the core, a central framework is formed, extending the structure of public spaces, interconnecting and permeating each other. The public spaces become the medium for the flow between different settlements.

△ 农田基底


The farmlands on the northeast and southwest sides constitute a multi-grid system, endowing the site with a distinct order and character, providing directional guidance for the extension of the central structure. Preserving the use and texture of the farmlands allows for a rich variation in the landscape sequence.

△ 地形变化与地下水的脉络


The organization of future residential areas learns from traditional settlement clusters, with layouts that follow the changes in topography and the patterns of groundwater. There is a certain degree of fluidity between the units and the whole, ensuring that each area can enjoy the highest quality natural environment.

△ 场地Urban Design Framework


Through gradual evolution, an overall spatial framework for the site is formed, establishing refined design principles and core values: maximizing natural value. This also sets the brand tone for Foliday: it is wild, transparent, relaxed, and refined.


Nature is the foundation for public interests (ecology, local communities,government) as well as commercial interests (sales and operations).

△ 以自然为本,定制客群需求


The public space system, public service facilities, transportation organization, architectural layout, and core areas will be redefined. There will be three types of residential products, three locations for hotels and guesthouses, and nine thematic experiential activities.


△ 功能分区


The new road network yields to nature, protecting wetlands and waterways, no longer creating boundaries between residential areas and the natural environment.

△ 场地布局


The central wetland and lake area serves as an important corridor for activities and is crafted into a zone with high ecological functionality, hosting public events and ecological education programs.


Community amenities and commercial areas are interwoven with the wetland and lake areas, rather than being separate entities. Based on the characteristics of the current situation, nodes are set and the direction of the buildings is adjusted to fully enjoy natural resources. Customized demands of the target groups are reflected in the optimization of the functional and business structure ratio. The shift from a purely tourism-oriented model to a shared use of resources between residential communities and resort amenities is deepened. This involves a reasonable allocation across multiple business formats and categories, ultimately informing the spatial volume and node layout of each supporting facility.

△ 社区配套与商业配套的业态调整与优化


The shared use of resources between residential communities and resort amenities, along with the integration of high-quality residential communities and resort hotels, has formed a core natural area that encompasses a shopping market, bookstore, canteen, theater, cultural center, craft museum, boutique brewery bar, tea room, and high-end dining and retail. Here, cultural and artistic spaces, commercial streets, and the natural environment are interwoven, while the magnificent Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is quietly reflected in the heart of the lake.


△ 场地活动



We profoundly understand that a perfect travel experience is not just a simple arrival, but a triple-experience process that includes arriving, staying, and exploring. Therefore, in our design, we focus on creating unique sensations for each phase, with the aim of extending the duration of tourists' stays, making them want to linger here for a few more days.

△ 在综艺《一路唱响》中明星李健、胡彦斌等人来到了坐落在玉龙雪山下的复游城·丽江Foliday雪山营地。李健在百年旱柳神树下吉他弹唱。 


We hope that during their stay, visitors will be able to deeply experience the local culture and lifestyle through a variety of activities and a comfortable accommodation environment, savoring every moment of leisure and tranquility. In the process of exploration, we have carefully planned multiple tour routes and experience programs to ignite the curiosity and sense of adventure of the visitors, ensuring that they are filled with surprises and memories with every discovery they make.

Carefully balance between strong protection of sensitive areas, ecologicalinterventions to increase biodiversity, and increased usability.

△ 自然特质



The core value of Foliday is not only in providing high-quality living spaces but also in the unique experiences offered by the natural locale in which it is situated.

△ 场地Urban Design Framework


The Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is a block-folded mountain formed by significant uplift during the Quaternary period, rich in glacial meltwater. The groundwater system exists within the pores of loose sediments, forming ridges on the land surface that resemble the folds of the earth.


△ 场地特质(向左滑动查看图片)

△ 将“褶皱”放大转化为空间体验

The undulating micro-topography with a height difference of 1-2 meters adds surprise and variety to the experience, moving beyond a simple, flat, and open process. We have recorded every 'crease' of the site that we've walked upon, utilizing the elevation changes to link them into a sequence, making the path experience more narrative.

△ 串联体验


In this uniquely advantageous location, we possess a more abundant groundwater system than the surrounding areas. Here, the waters converge from melting glaciers, pure snowmelt, surrounding springs, and the rainfall from the Lijiang Basin, with the flowing water influencing the distribution of vegetation.

△ 四季植物选择与搭配

△ 场地实景


In this area, trees grow in pursuit of water, and each tree is particularly precious. They are meticulously located and marked on the blueprints. In response to the varying growth conditions of the plants, we have developed a detailed vegetation transformation strategy, carefully preserving the valuable trees and creating a suitable environment for their growth.

△ 为每棵树营造特定的场所 



Follow the laws of nature without acting recklessly.


Protecting the habitat environment has become the principle of our planting design, with an emphasis on the integrity of the ecological chain. The use of alien invasive species is prohibited to maintain the richness of biodiversity. In the planning process, full consideration is given to the growth needs of plants, striving to create a rich landscape transformation throughout the four seasons.

△ 就地取材,在地营造


In the design, we source materials locally, using what is available on-site, and involve the villagers in the construction, providing employment opportunities for the local residents. By integrating the manual skills of local carpenters and stonemasons, we create a scene that not only has regional characteristics but also harmoniously coexists with the environment.

△ 纯手工技艺制造

△ 轻介入改造,不影响动物自由穿行

△ 就地取材,在地营造

△ 场地实景


Starting from the coexistence of fragility and barrenness alongside beauty in high-altitude mountain landscapes, we begin all our planning. We delve into the site, observe meticulously, plan carefully, and consider every step with a locally-oriented approach.

△ 场地实景


△ 场地实景


For those who have long lived in cities, this place is like another world. Valleys, lakes, forests, snow-capped mountains, meadows... here, every breath is filled with sheer goodness. May all visitors immerse themselves in the allure of nature during their experiences and savor a period of tranquility and beauty.

面积:用地面积 1,043 亩

编辑 / 朱璐阳
校对 / 戴婧

△ 罗湖「画匣子」,不止美术馆:罗湖美术馆升级改造全过程设计

△ 竞赛一等奖丨荔山小学工程项目:风谷,台地,岛楼 / MLA+

△ 中标候选方案 | 再考古,南山东晋遗址博物馆 / NSA、华工设计院、MLA+
