新作丨探索澳洲现代设计的“自然心跳”丨悉尼Château公寓 / PTW

学术   2024-09-20 17:31   广东  

△ 采访视频© Bridgestone Projects

△设计理念手绘稿 © Bridgestone Projects

△ 立面细节 © Bridgestone Projects

△ 体块生成 © Bridgestone Projects

△ 鸟瞰图 © Bridgestone Projects

△ 交通分析 © Bridgestone Projects

Château Hill Showground位于新南威尔士州卡斯特山(Castle Hill NSW 2154)Middleton大道16号。风景如画的The Hills Shire以其自然的澳大利亚丛林环境和农业根源而闻名。Château距离Hills Showground地铁站仅350米范围内,该线路为您提供直达悉尼中央商务区和Norwest商务园区的便捷交通。

Château Showground is located at 16 Middleton Avenue, Castle Hill NSW 2154. The picturesque Hills Shire is known for its natural Australian bush setting and agricultural roots. Château is located within 350 meters of Hills Showground Metro Station, providing you with convenient direct access to Sydney CBD and Norwest Business Park.

△ 创新的外观设计 © Bridgestone Projects

Château’s innovative façade design lights up the streets of Castle Hill. The integrated nature of its structure allows for both open spaces and secluded privacy.

△ Chateau建成 © Bridgestone Projects

为了适应户外生活和现代都市生活方式而设计的“Chateau公寓”,包含了四座由开放步道、通风连廊及景观露台相连的塔楼。项目由290户住宅组成,户型包含一房,两房,三房,叠拼以及顶层套房。作为Castle Hill Showground 区域内的先锋之作之一,“Chateau公寓”采纳了绿色基础设施设计的可持续原则,并将其适配为对该正在经历显著增长和复兴的郊区区域的恰当回应。

Designed to embrace outdoor living and a modern cosmopolitan lifestyle, Chateau features four towers linked by open walkways, breezeways and landscaped terraces. Chateau comprises of 290 dwellings, with a range of generously scaled apartments and townhouses.As one of the pioneering exemplars in the Castle Hill Showground precinct, Chateau takes sustainable principles of green infrastructure design and adapts them to an appropriate response for this suburban area which is undergoing significant growth and revitalisation.

△ 优雅而精致(建成图) © Bridgestone Projects

‍△ 绿树成荫 © Bridgestone Projects

△ 屋顶花园鸟瞰 © Bridgestone Projects

△ 屋顶无边泳池 © Bridgestone Projects

The green roofs, centralized gardens, and deep soil planting areas suitable for large trees in the project are not only a perfect interpretation of an eco-friendly community but also provide high-quality communal living, fostering neighborhood relationships and sustainable spaces. The expansive rooftop garden features unique spaces and amenities such as resort-style infinity pools, a gym, spacious barbecue areas, tranquil internal Zen gardens, and expansive views overlooking the natural landscape.

‍△ 地面层公寓与花园 © Bridgestone Projects

△ 烧烤休闲区 © Bridgestone Projects

△ 室内设计 © Bridgestone Projects

我们始终遵循着这一设计理念——无论是公共共享空间或是公寓内部的每一处设计,都能体现出Castle Hill地区的高品质生活方式。具体而言,精致开阔的空间、优美的视野、充足的自然光线以及细节质量的严格把控都在该设计中得到了充分展现。

PTW always adhere to the design philosophy that both the shared public spaces and every aspect of the apartment interiors reflect the high-quality lifestyle of the Castle Hill area. Specifically, this quality is embodied in the elegant and spacious layouts, beautiful vistas, ample natural light, and strict attention to detail, all of which are fully showcased in the design.

‍△ Chateau建成 © Bridgestone Projects


地点|悉尼, 新南威尔士州, 澳大利亚
建筑设计|PTW Architects
施工图设计|PTW Architects
客户|Bridgestone Projects
Project NameChateau, Castle Hill
LocationCastle Hill, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Architectural designPTW Architects 
Construction designPTW Architects 
ClientBridgestone Projects Pty Ltd
Covered Area10,500㎡
Height12 levels

编辑 / 朱璐阳
校对 / 施铎
