
文摘   军事   2023-09-13 16:40   北京  





The Undisputed Sovereignty of Second Thomas Shoal

仁爱礁位于北纬9度39分到9度48分、东经115度51分-115度54分的范围内,距离南沙群岛美济礁和牛车轮礁分别大约为17海里和19海里,是南沙群岛的重要组成部分。中国是最早对仁爱礁进行命名并纳入行政管辖版图的国家。历史上,中国渔民一直将仁爱礁作为重要的捕鱼场所和避风地,并在《更路簿》中将其称为“断节”。仁爱礁的英语名字“Second Thomas Shoal”,即“第二汤姆斯礁”,源自18世纪80年代在西方世界首次“发现”仁爱礁的英国探险家汤姆斯·吉尔伯特的名字。

Located in the range of 9° 39 to 9° 48 north latitude and 115° 51 to 115° 54 east longitude, Second Thomas Shoal is a critical part of theSpratly Islands, sitting about 17 nautical miles away from Mischief Reef and 19 nautical miles away from Boxall Reef. China was the first country to name Second Thomas Shoal and incorporate it into administrative jurisdiction. Throughout recorded history, Chinese fishermen have always regarded Second Thomas Shoal as an important fishing site and refuge, referring to it as “Duanjie” in Geng Lu Bu (Chinese navigational guidebooks). The international designation is derived from the name of the British explorer Thomas Gilbert, who first “discovered” Second Thomas Shoal in the Western world in the 1880s.


Second Thomas Shoal has always been a vital part of the Spratly Islandsclaims and been renamed many times by various Chinese governments. In 1983, the China Committee on Geographical Names announced its standard name as “Ren’ai Reef”. In 1987, the Chinese government organized a comprehensive scientific expedition team to the Spratly Islands, during which Chinese steles and landmarks were re-erected on Second Thomas Shoal. None of these events attracted foreign attention or interference, they were a restatement of the well-known status quo. 


Although some recent commentators have argued that Second Thomas Shoal is beyond any sovereignty claim as a “low tideelevation”, both China and the Philippines include Second Thomas Shoal in their territorial sovereignty claims/rights. Therefore, it is necessary to look beyond Western origin hype over narrow minded interpretations of a geographical maritime feature by considering the substance.

历史上,菲律宾长期被西班牙、美国在内的西方国家殖民。(根据1898年美西《巴黎条约》、1900年美西《华盛顿条约》、1930年《关于划定英属北婆罗洲与美属菲律宾之间的边界条约》等国际条约所确定的菲律宾领土的范围最西边为东经116度的位置,但仁爱礁位于东经115度处,根本不在菲律宾的领土范围内。)不论是西班牙还是美国,在作为菲律宾宗主国期间都没有将仁爱礁纳入其领土范围,也没有对中国享有包括仁爱礁在内南沙群岛主权提出任何异议。直到 1978 年 6 月 11 日,菲律宾总统马科斯签署第 1596 号总统令确立卡拉延群岛的范围(我南沙群岛的一部分),菲律宾将仁爱礁视为是其卡拉延群岛的一部分。

Historically, the Philippines has long been colonized by Western countries including Spain and the US, it would not exist as a unified state otherwise. Philippine land-based territory determined by international treaties, such as theTreaty of Paris (1898), Treaty of Washington (1900) between the US and Spain, and the 1930 Convention between the U.S. and UK; it claims a westernmost point at 116° east longitude. Located at 115°, Second Thomas Shoal is not within the internationally agreed upon territory of the Philippines at all and no history of Filipinos was attached to it. Neither Spain nor the US counted Second Thomas Shoal in its territory or as a feature that was capable of acquiring the suzerainty of the Philippines, instead placing it among the archipelago known to be exploited and inhabited by Chinese fishers. Moreover, no objection was raised to China's sovereignty over the Spratly Islands which includes Second Thomas Shoal until 1978. On June 11, 1978, Philippine President Marcos signed Presidential Decree No. 1596 to define the scope of the Kalayaan Islands (part of the internationally recognized Spratly Islands Archipelago) and claimed Second Thomas Shoal as a component, making its debut in Philippine eyes as a feature capable of sovereign acquisition, yet ignoring its historical past as a Chinese feature of note.



















