共筑和平 探索未来|记江苏省镇江第一中学第八届“大学山杯”模拟联合国大会(二)

文摘   2024-12-05 21:48   江苏  

  TIMUN 2024 English Committee

乌克兰战争的持续和巴以冲突的再次爆发,让世界和平与稳定面临着威胁。江苏省镇江第一中学TIMUN 2024模联大会的英文议题是“shattered peace”,冲突的各方“代表”暂时忘却战争和冲突的硝烟,以平和的心态,努力寻求僵持局面的破局之举。让我们来看英文场的报道:
Shattered Peace

  This year,in the English committee of TIMUN2024, the topic is
“Shattered Peace”

The world is at a crossroads. Confronted with frequent regional war outbreaks and the lingering Cold War mentality, the UN Security Council convened for a session to address two of the most urgent and devastating conflicts of the 21st century: the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Delegates embarked on their discussion in a tense atmosphere, keenly aware of the weight their discussions carried for global stability. The meeting, which lasted three days, was to strike a delicate balance between national interests, and humanitarian concerns through diplomacy.

The session began with speeches from the delegates of Russia and Ukraine, each presenting their perspectives on the causes of the conflicts and their respective positions on ceasefire negotiations. Similarly, the Israeli and Palestinian representatives made their opening statements, reinforcing their respective claims to land and security. Little indication of a willingness to compromise was conveyed at the beginning, as the delegate of Israel continues to seek for international support and the delegate of Palestine desperately accused the war crimes the Israeli army has conducted.

The session quickly became polarized, with representatives from NATO countries and the European Union demanding a swift cessation of hostilities in Ukraine and greater international sanctions on Russia. Conversely, Russia's representative reiterated Moscow’s security concerns, framing the war as a response to NATO's eastward expansion.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the room, the delegates raised a fierce debate on the situations of the Middle-East.

As the debate unfolded, the delegates called for immediate ceasefire agreements and a return to diplomacy. To get more specific solutions, the representatives discussed on a great many of aspects, including territorial and sovereignty issues, financial and military assistance, humanitarian assistance, multilateral dialogue and consultation, post-war reconstruction and economic recovery.

   At the conclusion of the meeting, the final agreement was hailed as a fragile but significant step forward. The resolution did not declare an immediate end to the conflicts, but it established a framework for both Russia and Ukraine, as well as Israel and Palestine, to engage in direct talks under the mediation of neutral parties. The agreement emphasized the importance of non-escalation of the tension, the protection of humanitarianism, and the provision of aid to those affected by the ongoing violence. While many delegates acknowledged the challenges ahead, there was a shared understanding that this moment of tentative peace offered a chance for dialogue, something that had been ignored and had not been achieved for long.

In this meeting, the delegates showcased their abilities and contributed their ideas freely. Although sparks of arguments emerged and remained, the ending was promising and the desire for peace lingered in the mind of every representative.

TIMUN 2024 英语委员会


【供   稿】|司马凌云 胡甜迪

【编   辑】|颜真卿

【初   审】|徐  进

【复   审】|施月琴

【终   审】|樊江峰   

至诚无息 求真力行 这里是江苏省镇江第一中学