
文摘   2024-10-15 19:01   辽宁  



文力,北京航空航天大学教授,博士生导师,机电工程及自动化系主任。国家杰出青年科学基金获得者。中国自动化学会共融机器人专委会、机器人智能专委会委员,中国电子学会柔性电子专委会委员,国家京津冀协同创新中心“智能交互机器人前沿实验室”特聘科学家,北京市生物医学工程高精尖创新中心客座研究员。担任 《IEEE Transactions on Robotics》《Soft RoboticsInternational Journal of Robotics ResearchBioinspiration and Biomimetics《机器人》等多个期刊的编委

主要研究方向为仿生机器人、软体机器人、机器柔性触觉、水下及深海机器人、跨介质机器人、柔性电子、机器人智能控制主持国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金重大研究计划、国家重点研发计划课题、德国 Festo 企业横向课题等多项。Science RoboticsScience AdvancesInternational Journal of Robotics ResearchSoft RoboticsNature Communications《机器人》等期刊上共发表 SCI/EI 论文100余篇,其中部分研究成果在 Science RoboticsJournal of Experimental Biology期刊上作为封面文章发表。相关研究成果被 NatureScienceMIT Technology Review等多次报道。多次获得机器人相关的国际会议论文奖。




1. 基于柔性传感的软体机器人交互研究进展

作者:文力  北京航空航天大学

文章来源刘文博, 王韫, 朵有宁, 段金曦, 陈星雨, 李磊, 刘昱辰, 文力. 基于柔性传感的软体机器人交互研究进展[J]. 机器人, 2024, 46(2): 195-218.


2. Xie Z X, Yang F Y, Liu J Q, et al. Octopus-inspired sensorized soft arm for environmental interaction[J]. Science Robotics, 2023, 84(8). DOI:10.1126/scirobotics. adh7852.

作者:文力  北京航空航天大学

摘要:Octopuses can whip their soft arms with a characteristic “bend propagation” motion to capture prey with sensitive suckers. This relatively simple strategy provides models for robotic grasping, controllable with a small number of inputs, and a highly deformable arm with sensing capabilities. Here, we implemented an electronics-integrated soft octopus arm (E-SOAM) capable of reaching, sensing, grasping, and interacting in a large domain. On the basis of the biological bend propagation of octopuses, E-SOAM uses a bending-elongation propagation model to move, reach, and grasp in a simple but efficient way. E-SOAM's distal part plays the role of a gripper and can process bending, suction, and temperature sensory information under highly deformed working states by integrating a stretchable, liquid-metal–based electronic circuit that can withstand uniaxial stretching of 710% and biaxial stretching of 270% to autonomously perform tasks in a confined environment. By combining this sensorized distal part with a soft arm, the E-SOAM can perform a reaching-grasping-withdrawing motion across a range up to 1.5 times its original arm length, similar to the biological counterpart. Through a wearable finger glove that produces suction sensations, a human can use just one finger to remotely and interactively control the robot's in-plane and out-of-plane reaching and grasping both in air and underwater. E-SOAM's results not only contribute to our understanding of the function of the motion of an octopus arm but also provide design insights into creating stretchable electronics-integrated bioinspired autonomous systems that can interact with humans and their environments.

3. Li L, Wang S Q, Zhang Y Y, et al. Aerial-aquatic robots capable of crossing the air-water boundary and hitchhiking on surfaces[J]. Science Robotics, 2022, 66(7).  DOI: 10.1126/scirobotics. abm6695.

作者:文力  北京航空航天大学

摘要:Many real-world applications for robots—such as long-term aerial and underwater observation, cross-mediumoperations, and marine life surveys—require robots with the ability to move between the air-water boundary.Here, we describe an aerial-aquatic hitchhiking robot that is self-contained for flying, swimming, and attaching tosurfaces in both air and water and that can seamlessly move between the two. We describe this robot's redundant,hydrostatically enhanced hitchhiking device, inspired by the morphology of a remora (Echeneis naucrates) disc,which works in both air and water. As with the biological remora disc, this device has separate lamellar compartmentsfor redundant sealing, which enables the robot to achieve adhesion and hitchhike with only partial disc attach-ment. The self-contained, rotor-based aerial-aquatic robot, which has passively morphing propellers that unfold inthe air and fold underwater, can cross the air-water boundary in 0.35 second. The robot can perform rapid attachmentand detachment on challenging surfaces both in air and under water, including curved, rough, incomplete, andbiofouling surfaces, and achieve long-duration adhesion with minimal oscillation. We also show that the robotcan attach to and hitchhike on moving surfaces. In field tests, we show that the robot can record video in bothmedia and move objects across the air/water boundary in a mountain stream and the ocean. We envision that thisstudy can pave the way for future robots with autonomous biological detection, monitoring, and trackingcapabilities in a wide variety of aerial-aquatic environments.

4. Liu W B, Duo Y N, Liu J Q, et al. Touchless interactive teaching of soft robots through flexible bimodal sensory interfaces[J]. Nature Communications, 2022. https://doi.org/ 10.1038/ s41467-022-32702-5.

作者:文力  北京航空航天大学

摘要:In this paper, we propose a multimodal flexible sensory interface for interactively teaching soft robots to perform skilled locomotion using bare human hands. First, we develop a flexible bimodal smart skin (FBSS) based on triboelectric nanogenerator and liquid metal sensing that can perform simultaneous tactile and touchless sensing and distinguish these two modes in real time. With the FBSS, soft robots can react on their own to tactile and touchless stimuli. We then propose a distance control method that enabled humans to teach soft robots movements via bare hand-eye coordination. The results showed that participants can effectively teach a self-reacting soft continuum manipulator complex motions in three-dimensional space through a “shifting sensors and teaching” method within just a few minutes. The soft manipulator can repeat the human-taught motions and replay them at different speeds. Finally, we demonstrate that humans can easily teach the soft manipulator to complete specific tasks such as completing a pen-and-paper maze, taking a throat swab, and crossing a barrier to grasp an object. We envision that this user-friendly, non-programmable teaching method based on flexible multimodal sensory interfaces could broadly expand the domains in which humans interact with and utilize soft robots.

5. Wang Y P, Yang X B, Chen Y F, et al. A biorobotic adhesive disc for underwater hitchhiking inspired by the remora suckerfish[J]. Science Robotics, 2017,102): .DOI: 10.1126/scirobotics.aan8072.

通信作者文力(北京航空航天大学)、Robert J. Wood(哈佛大学)

摘要:Remoras of the ray-finned fish family Echeneidae have the remarkable ability to attach to diverse marine animals using a highly modified dorsal fin that forms an adhesive disc, which enables hitchhiking on fast-swimming hosts despite high magnitudes of fluid shear. We present the design of a biologically analogous, multimaterial biomimetic remora disc based on detailed morphological and kinematic investigations of the slender sharksucker (Echeneis naucrates). We used multimaterial three-dimensional printing techniques to fabricate the main disc structure whose stiffness spans three orders of magnitude. To incorporate structures that mimic the functionality of the remora lamellae, we fabricated carbon fiber spinules (270 μm base diameter) using laser machining techniques and attached them to soft actuator–controlled lamellae. Our biomimetic prototype can attach to different surfaces and generate considerable pull-off force—up to 340 times the weight of the disc prototype. The rigid spinules and soft material overlaying the lamellae engage with the surface when rotated, just like the discs of live remoras. The biomimetic kinematics result in significantly enhanced frictional forces across the disc on substrates of different roughness. Using our prototype, we have designed an underwater robot capable of strong adhesion and hitchhiking on a variety of surfaces (including smooth, rough, and compliant surfaces, as well as shark skin). Our results demonstrate that there is promise for the development of high-performance bioinspired robotic systems that may be used in a number of applications based on an understanding of the adhesive mechanisms used by remoras.

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