
文摘   情感   2024-10-10 19:03   江西  


-sweet talklover's prattle-

  • "你知道吗?见到你的一瞬间,我的心就像是个调皮的小孩,忍不住想大声告诉全世界,我喜欢你!""Do you know? The moment I see you, my heart feels like a mischievous child, wanting to shout to the world, ‘I like you!’"

  • "我每天都在问自己,什么才是完美的风景,直到我发现,原来就是你走进我生命的那一刻。""Every day I ask myself what the perfect view is, until I realized it was the moment you walked into my life."

  • "和你在一起,连时间都变得慵懒起来,仿佛一切都在等待,等待我们继续这一段美好的故事。""Being with you makes time feel lazy, as if everything is waiting for us to continue this beautiful story."

  • "你是不是有超能力?因为我只要一想到你,心跳就像打了鸡血,停不下来!""Do you have superpowers? Because just thinking of you makes my heart race like it’s had a shot of espresso!"

  • "你的每个笑容都像调皮的精灵,轻轻撩拨着我的心弦,让我忍不住想要靠近你。""Every smile of yours is like a mischievous sprite, gently teasing my heartstrings, making me want to get closer to you."

  • "如果我是一首歌,你就是那旋律,缺了你,我的乐谱就毫无生气。""If I were a song, you would be the melody; without you, my score would be lifeless."

  • "你是我心中最甜的秘密,就像糖果藏在口袋里,越想越忍不住想分享给全世界。""You’re the sweetest secret in my heart, like candy hidden in my pocket, and the more I think about you, the more I want to share you with the world."

  • "每次你靠近,我的心就像是起了风的小船,轻轻摇晃,却始终向着你驶去。""Every time you come close, my heart feels like a little boat caught in the wind, gently rocking but always sailing towards you."

  • "我本以为爱情是平淡无奇的,但遇见你后,我才知道,原来它可以如此刺激,如此让人心动。""I used to think love was ordinary, but after meeting you, I realized it can be so thrilling, so heart-stirring."

  • "我想把我的心跳都寄给你,每一次都是爱的快递,只为让你知道,我在想你。""I want to send you my heartbeat, each one a love delivery, just to let you know I’m thinking of you."



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