-sweet talklover's prattle-
"我不信星星能许愿,但我希望能把你藏进星空里,让每个夜晚都因你而璀璨。""I don’t believe in wishing on stars, but I’d love to hide you in the night sky, making every evening shine because of you."
"你就是那道光,我在黑暗中追逐的信仰;即使再远,我也愿意不离不弃。""You are the light I chase in the darkness, my faith; no matter how far, I’m willing to stay devoted."
"我觉得我的心被你标记了,随时准备好迎接你的每一次靠近,就像小鹿期待春天的第一缕阳光。""I think my heart has been tagged by you, always ready to welcome your approach, like a fawn awaiting the first ray of spring sunshine."
"每次与你对视,我都能感受到一场无声的狂欢,心跳声就是我为你欢呼的乐章。""Every time our eyes meet, I feel a silent celebration, with my heartbeat composing a symphony cheering for you."
"我想用我的每个晚上都为你点燃一盏灯,照亮你所有的孤独时刻,成为你最温暖的港湾。""I want to light a lamp for you every night, illuminating all your lonely moments, becoming your warmest harbor."
"你在我心中就像一剂良药,治愈了我所有的烦恼,每次见面都是重新注入的快乐。""You are like a remedy in my heart, healing all my worries; every meeting feels like a fresh dose of joy."
"我愿意把每个心跳都化成一句情话,只为在你耳边低语,诉说我对你的迷恋。""I’d turn every heartbeat into a love confession, whispering in your ear to express my fascination for you."
"遇见你之前,我从未相信爱能如此轰烈,现在我只想每天都被你的爱火燃烧。""Before meeting you, I never believed love could be so intense; now, all I want is to be burned by your love every day."
"你就是我心中那道独一无二的光芒,照亮了我的每一个角落,让我再也不想回头。""You are the unique glow in my heart, illuminating every corner, making me never want to look back."
"你的笑容是我生活中的调味品,只有在你身边,我才懂得什么叫真正的美味。""Your smile is the seasoning in my life; only when I’m with you do I understand what true flavor is."
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