
文摘   2024-08-26 12:44   瑞士  



关于文章的详细解读,请移步文章解读帖:靠队友不如靠自己?北大吴晓磊、聂勇组PNAS揭示分工向全能逆向演化机制 (qq.com)。本文主要讲述论文投稿PNAS过程的辛酸史:首轮被拒稿,申诉成功获得修改机会,后又经过3轮修改终于接收!虽然辛酸,但我们始终相信我们扎实和独具特色的研究工作,在一番努力终于成功发光了!这其中的心路历程,以及与编辑审稿人沟通的经验,想必会有同行朋友会感兴趣,于是单独写一个帖子来与大家分享。



PNAS的完整决定信只会发给通讯作者,其他作者只会收到一个通知,里面没有审稿意见。看到邮件里的“rejection”决定时,内心当然是伤心的,不过还是心存侥幸,万一是“rejection but encouraging resubmission”呢?于是迫不及待跑到系统里去看了下完整决定信,以下是读整个决定信的心路历程。

1. 第一段是编辑部的模板意见,读完后内心拔凉拔凉的。

拒稿信第一段节选:“...These reviews, which appear below, were considered by the editor, who determined that the issues raised by the reviewers were of sufficient concern to merit rejection of the manuscript. Our goal at PNAS, to publish novel, transformational research rapidly, prevents us from undertaking multiple rounds of revision and re-review after receiving negative reviews. Accordingly, resubmission of the article will not be permitted.”


2. 第二段是handling Editor的具体意见,读完后内心有了很多疑惑。

前半段:“Both Reviewers appreciated the work described in this manuscript. The work connects the evolution of division of labor, evolution in fluctuating environments, and evolution through horizontal gene transfer. Extensive previous work has been done in all of these areas, but not combined in this way. There is also a nice integration of experiments and models.”


后半段:“However, reviewers raised significant concerns about statements that are not justified by data and that would require extensive additional experiments. While this is strong work that will contribute to the field there was concern that the quality was ultimately not sufficient to warrant publication in PNAS.


3. 然后仔细阅读了总共两位审稿人的意见,读完后觉得,太冤了!!!

审稿人1意见总结段:“The manuscript, although lengthy, provides a detailed description of methods and evolutionary concepts used during the work. Overall, a nicely-written and solid work, however, I am missing one crucial experiment... it might be easily demonstrated with such simple experiment. ”

虽然不完美,但至少Overall nicely-written and solid了,算是positive的审稿意见了。好像也没有extensive additional experiments要补,而只是一个simple but crucial experiment

审稿人2意见总结段:“We would like to first start by thanking the authors for this very interesting paper, with a pleasingly counter-intuitive idea. Overall, we are convinced that there is solid support for their main hypotheses by both the experiments and the model. As far as we can tell, the idea is novel, and we estimate that it brings enough to the field to recommend the manuscript for publication. And while we do not have any major concerns with the manuscript, we would like to see some questions addressed to improve the readability and transparency of the manuscript. ”

看完第一句的内心戏:“不用谢,感谢您的喜欢!”整段看完,夸得有点狠,都不太好意思了(不过学到了新表达,以后审稿也多夸夸好的工作)。审稿人2也没有强制要求补充新的实验。虽然审稿意见中确实有一些实验要补(有很多还不是强制要补的,虽然我们最后都补了),但不像是extensive additional experiments!收到了两个positive 的审稿意见,却被拒稿,比窦娥还冤!既然如此,咱可不能就这么算了,得尝试着申诉!



“Resubmissions to PNAS may be allowed upon request. Appeals must be made in writing and sent to pnas@nas.edu. PNAS may consider author appeals of decisions on rejected papers; however, appeals on the basis of novelty or general interest are unlikely to be granted. Due to the high volume of submissions that PNAS receives, a quick decision on appeals cannot be guaranteed. If an appeal is rejected, further appeals of the decision will not be considered and the paper may not be resubmitted. Repeated appeals or resubmissions of a rejected manuscript without invitation by the Editorial Board will not be considered and may result in the authors being banned from submitting to PNAS.”

关键信息包括:(1)首先需要写一封申诉信发到pnas@nas.edu;(2)申诉一般不能质疑编辑或审稿人对于创新性和general interest的判断;(3)只有申诉被编辑部考虑和接受以后,才能获得提交修改稿的机会(实际操作是,在线投稿系统会重新开放),强行重投可能会被放入黑名单

所以,先准备一封申诉信吧,申诉信“应该尽可能详细地说明为什么编辑应重新考虑最初的拒稿决定”(providing as much specific detail as possible about why the original decision should be reconsidered,这句来自ISME J的投稿说明:https://academic.oup.com/ismej/pages/general-instructions)。以下是我们的申诉信:

Subject: Sincere Request for Reconsideration (Paper ###)

Manuscript titled 'The evolution of autonomy from two cooperative specialists in a fluctuating environment' (Paper ###)

Dear Editors,

I hope this message finds you well. On behalf of all the co-authors, I would like to express our sincere gratitude for the valuable feedback provided on our manuscript. We highly appreciate the efficient peer review process and the valuable comments from both reviewers.

Upon careful consideration of the reviewers' comments, we were somewhat surprised by the decision of the Editorial Board to decline our manuscript. Both reviewers, particularly Reviewer 2, provided largely positive evaluations, expressing support for the publication of our work.

(1) Reviewer 2 concluded that ‘Overall, we are convinced that there is solid support for their main hypotheses by both the experiments and the model. As far as we can tell, the idea is novel, and we estimate that it brings enough to the field to recommend the manuscript for publication.’ they said they ‘do not have any major concerns with the manuscript’, and just need us to address some questions.

(2) Reviewer 1 also offered an overall positive evaluation, ‘The manuscript, although lengthy, provides a detailed description of methods and evolutionary concepts used during the work. Overall, a nicely-written and solid work, however, I am missing one crucial experiment.’ This experiment is to test the fitness of the ancestor Autonomist in the presence of Degrader and Detoxifier (Experiment (1)) and they presented that ‘this might be easily demonstrated with such simple experiment,’ which we fully agree. In the specific suggestions, Reviewer 1 suggested three not-complicated experiments: Experiment (2) - Fitness assays between the ancestral Degrader and different evolved derivatives; Experiment (3) - An experimental evolution when only Degrader is started with; Experiment (4) - Fitness assays among the later evolved variants of Degrader.

We understand the importance of Experiment (1) and recognize its significance in further strengthening our conclusions. While direct relative fitness measurements are lacking, a recent study in PNAS (Ram et al., 2019: https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1902217116) proposed that growth curve data can accurately predict relative fitness. Therefore, we think our growth curve data in Figure 1A can partially support that the ancestral Autonomist has a higher fitness compared to the consortium. Nevertheless, we agree that direct fitness assays are also important but we believe that these simple fitness assays (Experiments (1), (2), and (4)) can be conducted within a short timeframe. While we acknowledge that Experiment (3) might be perceived as time-consuming, most of the required data are already available because we already finished several subsequent projects based on this work, including a systemically experimental evolution of only Degrader. In summary, we think that Reviewer 1 chose ‘No’ in the ‘Suitable Quality?’ and ‘Conclusions Justified?’ questions (which are the only two ‘No’s in all evaluations) because they need us to add these simple and manageable experiments to defend our conclusions and therefore meet the high standards of PNAS.

Overall, we fully agree with the comments from both reviewers and believe that the proposed revisions are fully manageable within an acceptable timeline. We are committed to fully addressing all concerns raised and revising the manuscript accordingly to meet the high bar of PNAS.

Therefore, with utmost respect, we are writing to you with trepidation to ask whether you can offer us an opportunity to revise the manuscript and resubmit it to PNAS for further consideration. We are eager to receive your guidance on the path forward and appreciate your time and consideration.

Thank you once again for your effort to advance scientific rigor and for your contributions to the peer review process of our manuscript! We are looking forward to your feedback and appreciate your time and consideration!

Sincerely yours,



1有礼貌,多用“appreciate”、“ Thank you”和“agree”这些词。诚恳地感谢编辑和审稿人的付出,并同意编辑和审稿人的大部分意见,有信心在短时间内完成针对性的修改。







“Thank you for your comments regarding the decision to decline your paper for publication in PNAS. We apologize for the delay with rendering a decision on your appeal request. The editor has decided to undertake a further evaluation of your work. Please keep in mind that there is no guarantee the original decision will be overturned.

You must submit your revised manuscript and point-by-point response within 60 days.

虽然邮件里说得很保守(no guarantee the original decision will be overturned),但至少是有了新的机会。除此之外,3天后又收到了一封补充邮件,看起来像编辑重新阅读了文章,给了一个新意见。

“The authors provide interesting data demonstrating that fluctuating environments can contribute to horizontal gene transfer in mutualistic systems. They use mathematical models to demonstrate that fluctuating environments can contribute through both altering frequency and density of interdependent bacteria in a large parameter space. There is significant literature examining i) when division of labor is selected for and against, ii) how environmental fluctuation impacts coexistence, and iii) how frequency and density impact horizontal gene transfer. That being said less has been shown about when horizontal gene transfer will lead to the erosion of mutualism.”





审稿人1“Thank you for addressing all comments, even presenting experiments for those comments that might have been solved with rewriting the text. I have no additional remarks. Congratulations on this very neat work!”


审稿人2“This is a second round of review for the manuscript "The evolution of autonomy from two cooperative specialists in fluctuating environments" by Chen and co-authors. We can see no major issues remaining and find the modifications to the manuscript to be satisfactory.”


“Finally, going forward, we encourage the authors to be more concise in their responses to reviewers. 50 pages of responses is arguably quite excessive, even considering the large amount of extra work done by the authors.”


“We sincerely apologize for the unclarity and potential redundancy of our responses... We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused and will improve our response manner in our future submissions.”





“Editor Comments: I have one last round of suggestions to improve clarity of the writing.”


意见1“I would strongly encourage the authors to include more of the methods in the main text rather than having the majority in the supplementary information. I would ask the authors not to lengthen the paper to do this but instead to attempt to reduce text in other sections of the paper. ”


另一种则是以Cell PresseLife为代表的新刊模式。这类杂志以在线发表为主,没有太多的版面限制。以Cell Press旗下的杂志为例,其方法部分(STARMethods)独立于正文,没有任何字数限制,并通过固定格式要求作者尽可能详细地描述方法,以提高研究的可重复性,且Cell Press不允许附件材料中有方法描述,这样所有方法都连贯性地展示在一起,方便读者一并查阅。文章正式发表后,作者还可以选择把详细方法整理后发表在Cell Press旗下的STAR Protocols上。个人比较欣赏这种强制措施,这迫使作者提高研究的透明性(transparent),当然真正推行起来可能是有难度的。

意见2“I appreciate that the authors added caveatsto these statements in later paragraphs. However, for clarity, I would still either recommend dropping the statement or incorporating the caveats with the initial statement... As noted above I would recommend removing the caveat from this paragraph.”

这条意见是让删除文中对文章不足(limitationscaveats)的描述。如果有读者阅读过我们代谢分工宇宙的前五部作品,或许都知道我们都会在最后一段描述本文研究的不足,以警示研究者在引用结果时需要注意的限制条件,以及为之后的研究提供一些方向。我觉得这是现代科学研究发展的趋势,“no research is ever perfect”(这是来自之前一篇文章一位审稿人的话),不过编辑可能是基于文章篇幅的考虑要求精简。修改中,我们把一些不足整理到了附件中,但还有许多本来要申明的“坑”就删掉了,只能向读者们说一声抱歉!

意见3“Figures 3 and 4: The colors for degrader, detoxifier and autonomist remain difficult to distinguish at least from my printer. This is particularly true for figure 4. ”

这里先放一下原本的Figure 4截选

再放一张修改后的Figure 4




暂时接收We are pleased to inform you that the PNAS Editorial Board has given provisional approval of your article for publication.

正式接收Congratulations on the formal acceptance of your article, "The evolution of autonomy from two cooperative specialists in fluctuating environments" in PNAS. Your manuscript and any supplemental files have now been transferred to our production vendor.




1研究本身得是金子!所以,研究本身几大要素不可或缺:创新性、数据严谨性和general interest。这次我们敢申诉也是因为对文章质量有底气(毕竟两个审稿意见也都是positive的)。在明知研究有显著漏洞的情况下,即使申诉也不会有好结果。现在科研圈发好文章的压力很大,但好的科研需要沉下心来思考、一步步踏实推进,而不是靠碰运气!




王淼啸,瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH Zürich)博士后研究员,工作于Martin Ackermann教授和Olga Schubert研究员所领导的课题组。主要研究方向包括:微生物间相互作用机制及其生态学意义,微生物群落组装及演化机制,合成微生物组的理性设计与构建原理。在PNAS, Cell Systems, Cell ReportsISME Journal等期刊上发表学术论文20篇,其中第一或通讯作者署名9篇。担任mLife杂志海外兼职编辑;iMeta青年编委;ISME JournaleLifeISME Communications等杂志审稿人。热爱户外徒步,是瑞士最大的华人户外徒步团体Crazy Hikers Zürich的领队之一。小红书徒步博主@一天成天旅行的科研🐶

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