
文摘   2024-08-22 08:04   南非  
原文献信息:Mingfei Chen, Valentine V Trotter, Peter J Walian, Yan Chen, Romario Lopez, Lauren M Lui, Torben N Nielsen, Ria Gracielle Malana, Michael P Thorgersen, Andrew J Hendrickson, Heloise Carion, Adam M Deutschbauer, Christopher J Petzold, Heidi J Smith, Adam P Arkin, Michael W W Adams, Matthew W Fields, Romy Chakraborty, Molecular mechanisms and environmental adaptations of flagellar loss and biofilm growth of Rhodanobacter under environmental stress, The ISME Journal, 2024;, wrae151.


生物膜通过直接和间接机制帮助细菌粘附在表面,并且生物膜的形成被认为是细菌在次优环境条件下适应和生存的重要策略。然而,在地下沉积物/地下水生态系统中,微生物常常经历营养输入、pH值、硝酸盐或金属浓度波动的情况下,生物膜形成的分子基础尚未得到充分研究。我们研究了16株从地下水井中分离的Rhodanobacter菌株在不同营养、pH值、金属和硝酸盐条件下的生物膜形成情况,这些水井的pH值范围从3.5到5,硝酸盐水平从13.7到146 mM不等。八株Rhodanobacter菌株在低pH值条件下表现出显著的生物膜生长,表明它们适应了在低pH值条件下生存和生长。在铝应激下,特别是那些具有较少与生物膜形成相关的遗传特征的菌株中,生物膜形成加剧,这需要进一步的研究。通过RB-TnSeq、蛋白质组学、特定突变体的使用和透射电子显微镜分析,我们发现铝应激下鞭毛的丧失,表明运动性、金属耐受性和生物膜生长之间可能存在关系。比较基因组分析显示,在高生物膜形成菌株FW021-MT20中,缺乏鞭毛和趋化性基因,而存在推测的VI型分泌系统。本研究识别了在金属应激下与生物膜生长相关的遗传决定因素,并识别了有助于在污染的地下环境中生存和适应的特征。




Figure 1: Heatmap results highlighting the biofilm growth capabilities of 16 Rhodanobacter isolates under varying pH conditions (ranging from pH 4 to pH 7) and nitrate conditions (ranging from 0 mM to 300 mM), carried out across two different media (SGW, NLDM). (A): Nitrate, SGW, (B): Nitrate, NLDM, (C): pH, SGW, (D): pH, NLDM. The OD550 values are calculated from the mean values observed in the corresponding isolates for each medium. The row is clustered using euclidean distance in between the values measured from each sample.

Figure 2: Heatmap showing biofilm growth capacities of eight selected Rhodanobacter strains under various metal stress conditions (aluminum, cobalt, copper, manganese, nickel, zinc). Biofilm quantification was performed using crystal violet staining, with readings taken at OD550. The mean value of the triplicates for individual isolates under certain metal stress was calculated against the “positive control” (no stress condition) to get the log2FC values shown in the heatmap.    

Figure 3: TEM images of Rhodanobacter (A-D) FW104-10B01 and (E) FW021-MT20 cultured in synthetic groundwater media supplemented with 1 mM Aluminum Chloride (B-D), and in the absence of any metal additions (A, E). Key features observed include (B) loss of pili and/or flagellar, (C) blebbing, cell morphology change and (D) particle adsorption for FW104-10B01 strains under aluminum stress conditions, and the lack of flagella for FW021-MT20 strains under normal conditions. Scale bar: 1 µm.

Figure 4: Phylogenetic relationship of the 16 Rhodanobacter strains analyzed in this study. (A) The 16 Rhodanobacter genomes (highlighted in red color) were compared with a set of related, publicly available genomes (in black). Tree scale: 0.1. The phylogenetic tree was made from Interactive Tree of Life (iTOL) v6 [94]. (B) A heatmap of ANI (green) and AAI (pink) values of the 16 Rhodanobacter genomes. The cluster was calculated using the hclust function in R.    

Figure 5: Pangenome of Rhodanobacter. The 16 Rhodanobacter genomes obtained in this study are shown in orange, and the other 48 publicly available genomes are shown in blue. Core genes are genes present in all 64 genomes, soft core genes are genes present in 61 to 63 genomes, cloud genes are genes present in 1 to 3 genomes, and the remaining genes are shell genes. Hierarchical clustering was performed on the ANI index calculated from fastANI. SCG, single-copy genes.

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