-osis VS -pathy -osis--abnormal condition 异常情况 -pathy--a disease or a disorder 疾病/障碍 -gram VS -graphy -gram--record 记录 -graphy--the process of recording 记录的过程 -scope VS -scopy -scope--instrument for visual examination 目视检查的仪器 -scopy--the process of examining visually 目视检查的过程 -ologist VS -ology -ologist--a specialist in the field 某一领域的专家 -ology--the speciality itself 某一领域
pyr/o + -osis --pyrosis (胃/心口)灼热感 pyr/o--fire or burning -osis--abnormal condition pyrosis--the abnormal condition of a burning sensation arteri/o + -gram--arteriogram 动脉造影照片,动脉脉搏描记图 arteri/o--artery -gram--record arteriogram--a record of the examination of the artery oste/o + -pathy--osteopathy 骨骼疾病 oste/o--bone -pathy--a disease or a disorder osteopathy--a disease or disorder of a bone cardi/o + -ologist --cardiologist 心脏病专家 cardi/o--heart -ologist--a specialist in the field cardiologist--a specialist in the area of the heart or cardiovascular system arthr/o + -scope --arthroscope 关节镜 arthr/o--joint -scope--instrument for visual examination arthroscope--a tool used to visually examine a joint arteri/o + -graphy--arteriography 动脉造影(术) arteri/o--artery -graphy--the process of recording arteriography--the process of recording an image of an artery arthr/o + -scopy--arthroscopy 关节镜检查 arthr/o--joint -scopy--visually examine arthroscopy--visual examination of a joint path/o + -ology--pathology 病理学 pathology--the study of disease
pain VS inflammation -itis -algia -dynia pain inflammation -rrhage VS -rrhea hemorrhage--bleeding a lot -rrhage--an abnormal flow of blood 出血、流血 -rrhea--an abnormal flow of any fluid expect for blood 溢出/流出
-rrhexis--burst 破裂 -necrosis--tissue death 组织坏死 -malacia--abnormal softening of tissue 组织软化 -sclerosis--abnormal hardening of something 组织硬化 -megaly--abnormal enlargement 增大/肿大 -stenosis--abnormal narrowing 狭窄
-arthr/o + -itis--arthritis 关节炎 arthr/o--joint -itis--inflammation arthritis--inflammation of a joint -rhin/o +-rrhea--rhinorrhea 鼻漏,鼻液溢 -rhin/o--nose -rrhea--an abnormal flow of some fluid rhinorrhea--runny nose or excessive discharge from the nose arteri/o + -stenosis--arteriostenosis 动脉狭窄 -arteri/o--artery -stenosis--abnormal narrowing arteriostenosis--narrowing of an artery my/o + -malacia--myomalacia 肌软化 my/o--muscle -malacia--abnormal softening myomalacia--the softenig of a muscle oste/o + -necrosis--osteonecrosis 骨坏死 oste/o--bone -necrosis--tissue death osteonecrosis--the death of bone tissue cardi/o + -rrhexis--cardiorrhexis 心脏破裂 cardi/o--heart -rrhexis--burst cardiorrhexis--the bursting of a heart hepat/o + -megaly--hepatomegaly 肝脏肿大 hepat/o --liver -megaly--abnormal enlargement hepatomegaly--enlarged liver
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