
文摘   情感   2024-10-07 19:00   江西  


-sweet talklover's prattle-

  • 如果你是一座孤独的岛屿,我愿意成为那环绕你的海洋,拥抱你,直到永远。If you are a lonely island, I am willing to be the ocean that surrounds you, embracing you, forever and always.

  • 在遇见你之前,我的世界是黑白色的,你的出现,带来了满天的烟火。Before I met you, my world was in black and white; your arrival brought a sky full of fireworks.

  • 我愿意成为你窗边的风,只为在你需要时,轻拂你的发梢,带走你的忧愁。I want to be the wind by your window, just to gently touch your hair when you need it, taking away your worries.

  • 你的笑容,是我在这个世界上找到的最温暖的阳光,它照亮了我所有的阴霾。Your smile is the warmest sunshine I've found in this world; it illuminates all my gloom.

  • 我愿意成为你的诗人,用最朴实的语言,记录我们的爱情故事,让它成为永恒的传说。I want to be your poet, using the simplest language to record our love story, making it an eternal legend.

  • 你的名字,是我在所有语言中最温柔的词汇,每次念出,都让我感到一种说不出的心动。Your name is the gentlest word in all languages to me; every time I say it, it fills me with an indescribable flutter.

  • 我愿意成为你的守护神,默默守护着你的每一个梦想,不让它们受到任何伤害。I am willing to be your guardian, silently watching over every dream of yours, shielding them from harm.

  • 每当我看到你的眼睛,我仿佛看到了整个宇宙的奥秘,那么深邃,那么迷人。Every time I look into your eyes, I feel like I'm seeing the mysteries of the universe, so profound, so captivating.

  • 我愿意成为你的避风港,当你感到疲惫或需要休息时,我的怀抱将是你的安宁之地。I want to be your safe harbor, a place of peace for you to rest when you're tired or need a break.

  • 你对我来说,就像是一本永远读不完的书,每一页都充满了惊喜和感动。You are to me like a book that I can never finish reading, every page full of surprises and touches.



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