● (1) out of one's depth “感觉超出本身的能力,无法驾驭,无法胜任,力不从心”英语解释为to be involved in a situation or activity that is too difficult for you to understand or deal with。 be out of one's depth at sth. “......超出本身能力,对......力不从心”例I thought you might be a little out of your depth there.我觉得那案子你会有点力不从心。When the police are out of their depth, which is always, they consult me.警察力不从心时,这事常常发生,就会来咨询我。《神探夏洛克》还可以使用: one’s ability falling short of one's wishes或be unable to do what one would like to do”。又或者是:The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”来表示“心有余而力不足”、 “力不从心”有时候,“the spirit is willing”和“the flesh is weak”可以单独使用。 ●02. “轻而易举”英文怎么说? ●1. a piece of cake字面意思是“一块蛋糕”, 引申义“很容易做到的事,小菜一碟”英语解释为to be very easy。例I'm glad to help. It was a piece of cake.很高兴能帮上忙,这很容易。2. cakewalk “易如反掌的事情,轻而易举的胜利”英语解释为a very easy thing to do, or a very easy victory。例The test was a cakewalk.考试很容易。3. It's really simple.很简单4. It's as easy as pie.真是易如反掌。as easy as pie 的意思表达和 a piece of cake 很相似。5. It's no big deal!没什么大不了的!6. It's a no-brainer!这很简单,不用动什么脑筋的。no-brainer 就是指无需用脑的事;容易的事情。是一个美国俚语。比如说:It's a no-brainer solution.这是一个显而易见的解决方案。7. I can do it with my eyes closed!我眼睛闭起来都能做!这是略微夸张的表达方式,就比如我们平时嚷嚷的“我用脚趾头想都知道”效果差不多吧~8. That's no sweat at all!那一点都不难!no sweat 在之前的例句中也碰到过。是一种非常形象的表达方法。做一件事情完全不用出汗,丝毫不费力,岂不是说明这件事情很简单?9. Nothing to it!没什么难的!10. It's a cinch !简单的很!cinch 作为俚语,解释为简单的事情,有把握的事情。比如说:The examination was a cinch.那可是对我来说是很有把握的事。11. It's as easy as ABC.太容易了!ABC指的是(某一方面的)基础知识,入门。比如说:The new manager doesn't even know the ABC's of computers.新经理一点电脑基础知识都不懂。 坚持1个月,轻松掌握3500个高频核心英语词汇!长按识别二维码报名