
文摘   情感   2024-10-13 19:00   江西  


-sweet talklover's prattle-

  • "你的每次靠近,都是一场无声的告白,我的心早已乱成一团,等着你来打结。""Every time you come close, it’s an unspoken confession, and my heart has already turned into a tangled knot, waiting for you to tie it tighter."

  • "你知道吗?我不需要喝咖啡,因为每次想起你,我的心跳就已经足够让我彻夜不眠。""Do you know? I don’t need coffee, because just thinking about you is enough to keep my heart racing through the night."

  • "你说,我是不是太贪心了?我不仅想要你的现在,还偷偷想把你的未来也藏进我的怀里。""Tell me, am I too greedy? I don’t just want your present, I secretly want to tuck your future into my arms as well."

  • "你的笑声是我心跳的调频,每次你一笑,我的心就跟着你跳动。""Your laughter is the frequency of my heartbeat; every time you laugh, my heart syncs up with your rhythm."

  • "我本想控制自己的心跳,可它每次见到你,都像个淘气的孩子,拼命乱跳。""I try to control my heartbeat, but every time I see you, it acts like a mischievous child, bouncing wildly."

  • "每次你靠近,我的理智就像被你偷走了,只剩下一个满脑子想着你的我。""Every time you get close, it feels like you’ve stolen my reason, leaving behind only someone who can’t stop thinking about you."

  • "你就像春风,悄无声息地吹进了我的世界,然后搅乱了我的心湖,涟漪四起。""You’re like a spring breeze, quietly sweeping into my world and stirring up the calm waters of my heart, leaving ripples everywhere."

  • "我从未见过如此温柔的风,直到你走进我的生活,温柔却又带着无法抗拒的力量。""I’ve never encountered such a gentle wind until you walked into my life, soft yet carrying an irresistible force."

  • "每次你看我一眼,我的心就像被你按下了重启键,所有感官都只为你而存在。""Every time you glance at me, it feels like you’ve hit the reset button on my heart, making all my senses exist solely for you."

  • "我总以为自己足够理智,直到遇见你,发现理智在你面前变得如此脆弱。""I always thought I was rational, until I met you and realized that logic becomes fragile in your presence."



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