之前咱们已经学习了FANBOYS系列的AND以及BUT的用法和考点,今天继续来介绍OR的用法及考点。OR的考频虽不及AND和BUT,但容易出现难题,所以在备考阶段要多多留心。A or B (A B二者不同)
A, or B /A—or B (A B二者相同)
apples or bananas (apples和bananas为两种不同的水果,不加标点)
eggplants, or aubergines (eggplant 和 aubergine是茄子的不同称呼,加逗号)
不同的两种东西之间不加标点,同一种东西的不同名称之间加标点。With some 16,000 in attendance, the Second World Black and African Festival of Arts and _______ or FESTAC '77, as the event was more commonly known—became the largest pan-African event on record. FESTAC drew people from around the world to Lagos, Nigeria, for a monthlong celebration of Black and African art, scholarship, and activism.Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?A. Culture:
B. Culture—
C. Culture,
D. Culture
首先我们比对选项找到不同点,发现是culture一词之后的标点符号不一样,涉及到句式结构的判断,回到原文在划线部分后看到了or sth,阅读句子后会发现or FESTAC '77正是前面提到的这个艺术节的另一个称呼,于是有同学就像选C了,那么你就精准的掉进了这道题的“坑”中,因为or sth之后,还补充了一句话,as the event was more commonly known, 仍旧属于插入语的一部分,在评论or sth提到的这个名字,插入语在known之后才结束,之后出现的became是句子谓语,因此插入语开始之前的符号应该与结束的符号对称,选择破折号,C是正确答案。在目前SAT实考题库中,有一道题与这道题考点完全一致,只是换了一些专有名词。请同学务必重视这种题目。He must like her, or he wouldn’t keep calling her.
He must like her—or he wouldn’t keep calling her.
在SAT考试中,or不能被独立用于连接两个完整句,前面要加逗号或者破折号!到目前为止,还没有直接考察过or连接两个句子的题目,但我们要记住这个语法规则,以不变应万变。Students are asked to take another course in English, science, or mathematics.or连接三者或以上的平行,需要在每个并列的部分之间加逗号,最后一部分之前加逗号和or。If an instrument is not performing to a musician’s standards, a technician needs to be able to diagnose the problem and then advice the client and perform repairs. For instance, a trumpet might not be functioning properly because the valves have become sticky, the joints have developed air _____ the metal parts have been dented.Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) leaks, or
B) leaks; or,
C) leaks, or,
D) leaks—or
观察四个选项,发现选项中有or。那作为一个重要的信号词,我们就可以从其入手,观察其并列的到底是什么成分。A选项or前面有逗号,有三种情况:1. 连接三者及以上并列,2.连接两个独立完整句子,3. 同一种东西的不同称呼;B选项or前面有分号,存在复合平行;C选项,通常不会出现这种情况,除非or后面有插入语的成分;D选项or前面有破折号,连接句子或同一种东西的不同称呼。回到原文,快速浏览后,发现or后面是 “the metal parts have been dented”,前面为: “because the valves have become sticky” 以及 “ the joints have developed air leaks”。所以此处为or连接三个由because引导的状语从句的平行结构,故该题选A。敲黑板:再次强调一遍!除了考查标点符号,还会考查or前后所连接成分的形式一致!比如名词or名词,句子, or句子,分词or分词…
以上就是与并列连词“OR”有关的主要考点啦,TD SAT教研组还会继续给同学们介绍“FANBOYS”中其它成员的用法。咱们下期见!