第一种假说:【严重疟疾+营养不良+某种病毒感染】; 第二种假说:【某种病毒感染+营养不良+疟疾】。
NPR记者Gabrielle Emanuel:“我对Panzi地区的情况很好奇,据我所知,我曾咨询过一位专家,他说当地许多人的血液中其实都有疟原虫,因为这种病在当地很常见,疟疾检测呈阳性可能并不能说明疟疾就是导致他们生病的原因,所以我想知道是否有其他疾病已经从可能导致这次疫情的诊断鉴别中排除了。” 记者原文:"I am curious about the situation in Panzi, and my understanding, I spoke to one scientist who said many people actually have the malaria parasite in their blood because it's just so common in the area such that a positive malaria test might not be what is causing them to get sick. So I'm wondering if there have been other diseases that have been eliminated from the differential of what can be causing this outbreak" Ngashi Ngongo老师:“记者同志提到的疟疾问题,就是为什么我们提出了第二种假说,即认为病因是在疟疾基础病的基础上发生的病毒性疾病。因为疟疾是这个地区的地方性流行病,然后还有营养不良,并且新出现的这例出血性综合征病例也可能指向这个假说......我们还在探索其他可能性......我们希望在下周内至少能得到一些初步结果。” Ngongo老师原文:"the point she made with malaria is the reason why the second hypothesis now weights on a viral disease, which is happening in the background of malaria, because malaria is endemic in the area, and also malnutrition. And that is also where in the discover of this new case of hemorrhagic syndrome might also be pointing towards that hypothesis...we are also exploring other things...we are hoping that in the next one week we should be able to get at least the initial results"