GRL, GBC, JGR, Space Weather, Earth and Space Science特刊征稿

学术   2024-06-25 15:00   北京  

本文列出AGU当前正在征稿的特刊,涉及GRL, GBC, JGR Atmospheres, JGR Earth Surface, Space Weather, Earth and Space Science, JGR Planets等期刊,特刊主题包括:

  • EMIT-地表矿物尘埃科学调查

  • 空间气象从研究到运行再到研究(R2O2R)管道-进展、挑战和前景

  • 太阳系中的风化-流积相互作用


CiteScore (Scopus): 9

Journal Citation Indicator (Clarivate): 1.32

Journal Impact Factor (Clarivate): 4.6

Full Text Views (2022): 9,380,440

Acceptance rate: 38%

Submission to first decision: 32 days

Online ISSN:1944-8007

Print ISSN:0094-8276

Geophysical Research Letters is a gold open access journal that publishes high-impact, innovative, and timely communications-length articles on major advances spanning all of the major geoscience disciplines. Papers should have broad and immediate implications meriting rapid decisions and high visibility.

CiteScore (Scopus): 8.9

Journal Citation Indicator (Clarivate): 1.25

Journal Impact Factor (Clarivate): 5.4

Full Text Views (2022): 991,015

Acceptance rate: 36%

Submission to first decision: 48 days

Online ISSN:1944-9224

Print ISSN:0886-6236

Global Biogeochemical Cycles publishes original research articles on biogeochemical interactions that demonstrate fundamental implications for processes at regional or global scales.

CiteScore (Scopus): 7.3

Journal Citation Indicator (Clarivate): 1

Journal Impact Factor (Clarivate): 3.8

Full Text Views (2022): 3,767,695

Acceptance rate: 47%

Submission to first decision: 56 days 

Online ISSN:2169-8996

Print ISSN:2169-897X

Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres publishes original research articles that advance and improve the understanding of atmospheric properties and processes, including the interaction of the atmosphere with other components of the Earth system, as well as their roles in climate variability and change.

CiteScore (Scopus): 6.3

Journal Citation Indicator (Clarivate): 1.03

Journal Impact Factor (Clarivate): 3.5

Full Text Views (2022): 711,877

Acceptance rate: 44%

Submission to first decision: 58 days

Online ISSN:2169-9011

Print ISSN:2169-9003

Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface publishes original research articles on the physical, chemical and biological processes that affect the form and function of the surface of the solid Earth over all temporal and spatial scales.


EMIT: 地表矿物尘埃科学调查


EMIT: The Earth Surface Mineral Dust Science Investigation




The Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation (EMIT) is an International Space-Station-based imaging spectrometer which has finished its one-year nominal science year, and has collected over a billion high quality spectra focused on arid and semi-arid regions of the globe. The instrument acquires observations of the Earth using state-of-the-art visible to infrared imaging spectrometry with a high signal-to-noise ratio and excellent spectroscopic uniformity. EMIT’s science objectives use the spectral signatures of minerals to estimate the soil composition to better understand and reduce uncertainties in mineral dust aerosol radiative forcing at the local, regional, and global scale, now and in the future in Earth System Models (ESMs). The EMIT Science Data System is complete and running with the full set of algorithms required. These tested algorithms are open source and available to the broader community. These include calibration to measured radiance, atmospheric correction to surface reflectance, mineral composition determination, aggregation to ESM resolution, and ESM runs to address the science objectives. In this collection, the instrument characteristics, ground calibration, in-orbit performance, and early science results are reported. In addition, the EMIT instrument has many applications, for example, detection of green-house gas point sources, and detection of minerals on the surface of the Earth to detect tailings or extraction for the renewable energy retraction.


· Remote sensing using EMIT and imaging spectrometry;

· Surface mineralogy using EMIT;

· Dust mineralogy;

· Impacts of atmospheric mineralogy on radiative forcing;

Greenhouse gas detection using EMIT.


Natalie Mahowald
Cornell University,
United States

Rob Green
United States

David Thompson

United States




请将您的稿件提交至JGR: Atmospheres ( 或JGR: Earth Surface(或Global Biogeochemical Cycles(或Geophysical Research Letters (,并从特刊问题的下拉菜单中选择特刊标题 。



CiteScore(Scopus): 5.9

Journal Citation Indicator (Clarivate): 0.92

Journal Impact Factor (Clarivate): 3.8

Full Text Views: 523,452

Acceptance rate: 58%

Submission to first decision: 42 days

Online ISSN:1542-7390

Print ISSN:1542-7390

Space Weather is an open access journal that publishes original research articles and commentaries devoted to understanding and forecasting space weather and other interactions of solar processes with the Earth environment, and their impacts on telecommunications, electric power, satellite navigation, and other systems.


空间气象从研究到运行再到研究(R2O2R)管道: 进展、挑战和前景


The Space Weather Research to Operation to Research (R2O2R) Pipeline(s): Progress, Challenges and Prospects




Feedback between science and operations, also known as the Research to Operations to Research (R2O2R) pipeline, is a critical activity within the space weather enterprise that links model development with real world hazards and impacts. This special collection, initiated by Space Weather Editor Jenn Gannon, focuses on the progress, challenges, and future of the space weather R2O2R pipeline. Relevant contributions include case studies of existing or potential operational models, analysis of operationally relevant data stream, model validation studies and Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs), Observing System Experiments (OSEs), and perspectives on the current and future state of R2O2R. Additionally, manuscripts discussing Dr. Gannon’s contributions to the space weather fields are welcome.


Noé Lugaz

University of New Hampshire
United States




请将您的稿件提交至 Space Weather (, 并从特刊问题的下拉菜单中选择特刊标题 。



Journal Citation Indicator (Clarivate): 1.03

Journal Impact Factor (Clarivate): 3.5

Full Text Views (2022): 711,877

Acceptance rate: 44%

Submission to first decision: 58 days

Online ISSN:2169-9011

Print ISSN:2169-9003

Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface publishes original research articles on the physical, chemical and biological processes that affect the form and function of the surface of the solid Earth over all temporal and spatial scales.

CiteScore (Scopus): 5.5

Journal Citation Indicator (Clarivate): 0.75

Journal Impact Factor (Clarivate): 2.9

Full Text Views (2022): 588,160

Acceptance rate: 54%

Submission to first decision: 50 days

Online ISSN:2333-5084

Print ISSN:2333-5084

Earth and Space Science is an open access journal publishing original articles spanning all of the Earth, planetary and space sciences. ESS particularly welcomes papers presenting key data sets, observations, methods, instruments, sensors, and algorithms and showing their applications.

CiteScore (Scopus): 8

Journal Citation Indicator (Clarivate): 1.33

Journal Impact Factor (Clarivate): 3.9

Full Text Views (2022): 1,037,101

Acceptance rate: 67%

Submission to first decision: 53 days

Online ISSN:2169-9100

Print ISSN:2169-9097

Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets publishes original research articles spanning the broad field of planetary science, including but not limited to planetary geology, geophysics, geochemistry, atmospheres, dynamics, and exoplanets.




Aeolian-Fluvial Interactions across the Solar System




Wind and rivers are geomorphological processes that shape the surfaces of planets and moons. The dynamic interplay between aeolian and fluvial activity has major implications for sediment erosion, transport, and deposition, aeolian and fluvial morphodynamics, atmospheric and surface coupling. These have wider implications for earth ecosystems, past and present habitable environments on other planets, and human infrastructure. These studies encompass remote sensing and in situ on all spatial and temporal scales from the following AGU journals: Earth and Space Science, JGR: Planets, and JGR: Earth Surface.


· Aeolian-Fluvial Interactions;

· Arid Environment;

· Fluvial Dynamics;

· River Dynamics;

· Aeolian Processes;

· Fluvial Processes;

· Geomorphology;

· Planetary Surface Processes.


Dr. Rickbir S. Bahia
UK Space Agency

Dr. Eleni V. Bohacek
UK Space Agency

Dr. Joel Sankey

Dr. Baoli Liu
BayeStat Ltd./University of Hull
China/United Kingdom

Dr. Lotem Robins
Bar Ilan University




请将您的稿件提交至 Space Weather (或 Earth and Space Science(或 JGR: Planets(, 并从特刊问题的下拉菜单中选择特刊标题 。


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