AGU Annual Meeting 2024 Session征稿:海洋-陆地-大气相互作用与极端天气和气候

学术   2024-07-31 09:37   北京  

A015 - 海洋-陆地-大气相互作用与极端天气和气候
近几十年来,随着全球气候变暖,极端天气和气候事件频发、屡破纪录,对全球社会经济活动产生了广泛而严重的影响。海洋(冰)-陆地-大气相互作用在区域和全球极端天气和气候事件中发挥着重要作用。本分会旨在利用综合分析、测量、建模工具和人工智能/机器学习框架,促进我们对北半球中高纬度极端天气和气候的理解,包括它们的1)时空特征和前兆信号,2)驱动海洋(冰)-陆地-大气系统的动力和热力学过程,3)过去、现在和未来气候条件下的长期变化和影响。4) 从几天到几十年的不同时间尺度上的可预报性和预测方法。
A015 - Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Interactions and Extreme Weather and Climate
In recent decades, with global warming, frequent and record-breaking extreme weather and climate events have had a wide-ranging and serious impact on global socioeconomic activities. Ocean (Ice)-land-atmosphere interactions play important roles in regional and global extreme weather and climate events. Using integrating analysis, measurement, modeling tools, and artificial intelligence/machine learning frameworks, this session seeks contributions to advance our understanding of extreme weather and climate at middle and high latitudes in the northern hemisphere, including their 1) spatio-temporal characteristics and precursor signals, 2) driving dynamic and thermodynamic processes in ocean (ice)-land-atmosphere systems, 3) long-term changes and impacts under past, present, and future climate conditions, 4) predictability and prediction methods on different time scales ranging from days to multi-decades.
Primary Convener
Renhe Zhang
, Fudan University
Mu Mu, Fudan University
Jianping Li, Ocean University of China
Yimin Liu, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences       
Student/Early Career Convener
Zhen-Qiang Zhou, Fudan University


美国东部时间 7月31日 23:59

格林威治时间 8月1日 03:59

北京时间       8月1日 11:59


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