【快讯】 威尼斯双年展是世界上历史最悠久的国际艺术双年展,被誉为“艺术界的奥运会”。2024年威尼斯双年展评审团将最佳国家馆金狮奖授予澳大利亚国家馆展厅呈现的原住民艺术家阿奇·摩尔 (Archie Moore)的展览,这是澳大利亚首次获得此殊荣。
2024威尼斯双年展金狮奖获奖现场今年54岁的阿奇·摩尔在布里斯班生活和工作,他凭借他的装置作品《乡土乡亲》(Kith and Kin)获此大奖。在过去的两个月里,摩尔使用黑板漆和粉笔将澳大利亚馆的典型白立方改造成一棵巨大的、庞大的家谱。这个手工刻写的广泛的家谱图表中详细记录了摩尔真实和推测的祖先的名字,涵盖了土著人在澳大利亚大陆生活的65,000 年的历史。
该装置的标题“Kith and Kin”借鉴了古英语中家族和同胞的术语,并将原住民的亲属制度概念扩展到包括全人类的亲情连接。
艺术家阿奇·摩尔和澳大利亚馆策展人Eliie Buttrose
Australia has won gold at the Venice Biennale, the world's oldest international art biennial, and "the Olympics of the art world".
First Nations artist Archie Moore was named the recipient of the coveted Golden Lion for best national pavilion, marking the first time in history that an Australian has received the accolade.The 54-year-old Kamilaroi and Bigambul artist, who lives and works in Brisbane, won for his monumental hand-drawn installation, kith and kin.Over the past two months, Moore has transformed the archetypal white cube of the Australia pavilion into a giant, sprawling family tree, using blackboard paint and chalk.The family tree, which is the centerpiece of the work, has been inscribed by hand and details the names of Moore's real and speculative ancestors in an expansive genealogical chart spanning the estimated 65,000 years that Aboriginal people have lived on the Australian continent.
(朱雀艺术 展厅 2)
电话:0408 993 049
创立于2015年的朱雀艺术是澳大利亚首间专注中国当代艺术的独立双语画廊,坐落于地标建筑悉尼大桥边,和澳大利亚当代艺术博物馆MCA近在咫尺。朱雀艺术与一批顶尖的中国当代艺术家和优秀青年艺术家密切合作,致力为澳大利亚及太平洋地区的藏家与艺术爱好者提供一个了解中国当代艺术的平台。Founded in 2015, Vermilion Art is the first independent commercial gallery in Australia focusing on Chinese contemporary art. It is located near the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge and within easy reach of the Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA). Through close collaboration with leading and emerging contemporary Chinese artists, Vermilion Art has introduced outstanding Chinese art to the collectors, art institutions and the general public in Australia and the Pacific.