【11.1 截止】胶体动力学、相互作用和流变学 – Soft Matter 专辑征稿

学术   科学   2024-10-31 10:30   英国  

英国皇家化学会期刊 Soft Matter 近期发布「胶体动力学、相互作用和流变学」(Colloidal dynamics, interactions and rheology) 专题合辑的征稿通知,向相关领域的广大科研工作者征集投稿,至 11 月 1 日截至。


The Royal Society of Chemistry journal Soft Matter is pleased to announce an open call for the themed collection “Colloidal dynamics, interactions and rheology”!
The collection aims to collect outstanding contributions in the areas of colloidal stability, dynamics under external fields, and the behaviour of complex colloidal dispersions. We welcome experimental, theoretical, and computational studies that advance our understanding of colloidal systems, highlighting topics such as phase behaviour, non-equilibrium dynamics, and the interplay between colloidal particles and their surrounding medium, as well as the development of advanced optical and mechanical tools to probe soft matter. The collection is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Dr. Stefan Egelhaaf (HHU Düsseldorf), whose work in soft matter and in particular in the colloidal domain was both pioneering and influential.
This themed collection is Guest Edited by:
  • Professor Roberto Cerbino (University of Vienna, 🇦🇹 Austria)
  • Professor Matthias Karg (Heinrich-Heine-Universität, 🇩🇪 Germany)
  • Professor Hartmut Löwen (Heinrich-Heine-Universität, 🇩🇪 Germany)
  • Professor George Petekidis (IESL-FORTH, 🇬🇷 Greece)
  • Professor Emanuela Zaccarelli (CNR Institute of Complex Systems, 🇮🇹 Italy)
Submissions to the journal should fit within the scope of Soft Matter and will undergo the normal initial assessment and peer review processes in line with the journal’s high standards, managed by the journal editors. Please see the journal’s website for more information on the journal scope, standards, article types and author guidelines.


If you would like to contribute to this themed collection, you can submit your article directly through the journal’s online submission service. Please add a “note to the editor” in the submission form when uploading your files to say that this is a contribution to the themed collection Colloidal dynamics, interactions and rheology. The Editorial Office reserves the right to check suitability of submissions in relation to the scope of the collection, and inclusion of accepted articles in the final themed collection is not guaranteed.

 开放投稿截至 2024 年 11 月 1 日    

如有任何问题,请联系 softmatter-rsc@rsc.org


An interdisciplinary journal focusing on innovative soft matter topics through original research and reviews


Soft Matter

JCR 分区*Q2 物理-综合
Q2 高分子科学
Q3 化学-物化
CiteScore 分6.0

Soft Matter 报道软物质研究的最新成果并特别关注化学、物理、材料科学、生物学和化学工程之间的交叉研究。所发论文包括实验、理论和计算研究,涉及软物质新材料及其设计和制备过程,或者是对其行为进行的基础研究。该刊所发论文的主题包括软物质集合体(如胶体、颗粒物质、液晶等)、软物质纳米技术和自组装、关于软物质的生物学研究、软物质的表面/界面和相互作用研究、软物质的机理和建模研究等。


  • Alfred Crosby
    🇺🇸 马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校

Associate editors
  • Roberto Cerbino
    🇦🇹 维也纳大学

  • Lorna Dougan
    🇬🇧 利兹大学

  • Ewa Górecka
    🇵🇱 华沙大学

  • Guruswamy Kumaraswamy
    🇮🇳 印度理工学院孟买校区

  • Sanat Kumar
    🇺🇸 哥伦比亚大学

  • Zhihong Nie (聂志鸿)
    🇨🇳 复旦大学

  • Amy Shen
    🇯🇵 冲绳科技大学

  • Lixin Wu (吴立新)
    🇨🇳 吉林大学

  • Emanuela Zaccarelli
    🇮🇹 罗马萨皮恩扎大学

  • Xuehua Zhang (张雪花)
    🇨🇦 阿尔伯塔大学

* 2023 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate, 2024)

 CiteScore 2023 by Elsevier



