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设计师+运营 联合探讨乡村民宿的未来
The practice of child-friendly initiatives began at the urban level, and currently, over three thousand cities and regions have applied for the title of child-friendly cities or regions. In recent years, child-friendly practices have gradually extended to the county and community levels. The World Health Organization, in its document "Integrating Health in Urban and Regional Planning," emphasizes the need to develop policies conducive to child-friendly spaces at the urban, community, and architectural scales.2023年7月,在文化和旅游部艺术司、文化和旅游部产业发展司的指导下,光山成功举办了首届乡村儿童艺术嘉年华,成为了文化产业助力乡村振兴的巅峰之作,为“儿童友好县域”树立了典范。In July 2023, under the guidance of the Arts Department and the Industry Development Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Guangshan successfully hosted the first Rural Children's Art Carnival. It became a pinnacle project in leveraging cultural industries to support rural revitalization and set an example for the concept of a "child-friendly county."
光山拥有宜人的居住环境和山林间的自然疗愈之力,悠久的人文历史隐秘于山野,演绎一处千年秘境,荣获中国“天然氧吧”和“生态魅力县”的美誉,光山为打造儿童友好城市提供了得天独厚的条件。Guangshan boasts a pleasant living environment and the natural healing power of its mountainous forests. Its profound cultural history is hidden within the mountains, creating a millennium-old mystery. Recognized as a "Natural Oxygen Bar" and a county with "Ecological Charm" in China, Guangshan provides a unique advantage for creating a child-friendly city with its pristine conditions.🌟
New Chapter
The Guangshan Child-Friendly Rural Homestay Competition is a friendly sequel to "Becoming the Child of Light 2.0," showcasing the profound significance of county-level cultural development. The goal is to transform Guangshan into a model child-friendly city and even an international child-friendly city. This initiative aims to integrate the child-friendly concept into the city's sustainable development, serving as a future industry link and interactive direction.By utilizing the entire physical space of the region, the vision is to create immersive child-friendly experiences and parent-child interaction scenes at the city level. This effort not only seeks to earn the designation of a child-friendly city for Guangshan but also aims to become an internationally recognized child-friendly city with a focus on parent-child collaboration.2023年12月23日至24日,AIM组委会将组织一场线下WORKSHOP线下工作营活动,邀请国内外优秀设计师及民宿品牌主理人,设计+运营携手走进光山,深度挖掘光山县本土文化内涵,零距离接触飞行营地,结合在地文化,为建造光山儿童友好主题民宿集群提供知识储备,塑造光山县独特文化IP,助力光山儿童友好城市建设。From December 23rd to 24th, 2023, the AIM Organizing Committee will host an offline workshop event. We would like to invite outstanding designers and B&B brand owners from both domestic and international to join us in Guangshan! The purpose is for design and operations experts to collaborate and delve into Guangshan's local cultural essence. This involves a close encounter with the design site Flight camp and a deep exploration of local culture.The workshop aims to provide knowledge and insights for the construction of a cluster of child-friendly themed homestays in Guangshan. The focus is on shaping Guangshan County's unique cultural intellectual property (IP) while contributing to the development of Guangshan as a child-friendly city.
线下工作营将带领参营人员在飞行营地、方楼公园、东岳村、南王岗进行踏勘, 头部民宿品牌专家和建筑师导师进行实践经验分享,并组织参营人员进行头脑风暴及分享,导师精准点评,灵感在此激活。
The offline workshop will lead participants on an exploration of the flying camp, Fanglou Park, Dongyue Village, and Nanwanggang. Headed by experts in B&B branding and architectural mentors, the workshop will involve practical experience sharing. Participants will engage in brainstorming sessions and sharing activities, with precise feedback from mentors, activating inspiration in this collaborative environment.Register here Scan the QR code above to registerRegistration deadline: December 18th主办方提供全程餐饮
Full catering is provided.(Welcome Dinner on the 22th, Breakfast and Lunch on the 23th)Bustler、WA World Architecture Community、Competitions archi、Call for Project、ArchiDiaries、Amazing Architecture、Arch studio、archrace、国际设计竞赛、青年建筑、设计奖堂、CBC建筑中心、就是设计大咖、青艺网等