Evolution Evolving: The Developmental Origins of Adaptation and Biodiversity
书名 Evolution Evolving 可以从两个方面理解。第一个方面体现了进化过程本身随着时间的推移而演变,并且直到今天仍在不断演变。这意味着每种生物的进化方式在很大程度上取决于该生物的运行方式,以及这些特性所提供的进化机制。
Table of contents
Part 1: Introduction – why consider development?
1. Nothing in biology makes sense… anymore
Presents some striking new data that are challenging traditional understanding of heredity and evolution, including epigenetic and cultural inheritance
2. Rodents’ teeth and raptors’ toes
Uses a case study to show how a developmental perspective can enhance evolutionary explanation
3. How the turtle got its shell
Explains why genes and natural selection became central to evolutionary biology and why developmental processes remain less central
4. Understanding the debates
Not only do the traits of a given organism differ in their propensities to evolve, but organisms may themselves differ greatly in how effectively they are able to generate and find adaptive solutions.
Part 2: How development works
5. Opening the black box
Summarizes what evolutionists ‘need to know’ about development.
6. Five general principles of development
Presents five general principles of development relevant to evolution: development is modular, epigenetic, constructive, interchangeable with respect to genetic and environmental inputs, and prone to generate biased phenotypic variation
Part 3. The developmental bases of evolutionary processes
Chapter 7. Developmental bias
Explains how developmental mechanisms bias the phenotypic variation available to natural selection, creating admissible pathways along which selection can act.
Chapter 8. Plasticity-led evolution
Describes how developmental plasticity can lead genetic evolution, and when this will happen.
Chapter 9. The causes of selection
Explains how developmental processes, including plasticity and niche construction, create associations between traits and fitness, and thereby influence the dynamics of adaptive evolution.
Chapter 10. Inheritance beyond the gene
Summarizes and explains the significance of recent data demonstrating extra-genetic inheritance, including parental effects, epigenetic inheritance, the inherited microbiome and animal culture.
Part 4. Implications of the developmental perspective
Chapter 11. Novelty and innovation
Describes how developmental processes help account for evolutionary novelty and innovation.
Chapter 12. The developmental origins of evolvability
Discusses how the evolutionary process itself evolves and may have become more efficient with time, and how variation in the ability to respond to selection is partly explained by differences in the developmental mechanisms of organisms.
Chapter 13. Human evolvability
Explains how developmental bias, plasticity, niche construction and extra-genetic (particularly cultural) inheritance have played critical roles in human evolution and adaptation.
Chapter 14. The structure of evolutionary theory
Summarizes the arguments in the book, and points to exciting new opportunities that arise if researchers embrace a developmental perspective.
凯文·N·拉拉(Kevin N. Lala)是圣安德鲁斯大学行为与进化生物学教授,著有《达尔文未完成的交响曲:文化如何塑造人类心智》(普林斯顿大学出版社)及其他书籍。
托比亚斯·乌勒(Tobias Uller)是瑞典隆德大学的进化生物学教授,合编有《进化因果关系:生物学与哲学反思》和《生物学家的科学哲学》。
娜塔莉·费纳(Nathalie Feiner)是德国普隆马克斯·普朗克进化生物学研究所的丽泽·迈特纳研究组组长,并隶属于隆德大学。
马库斯·W·费尔德曼(Marcus W. Feldman)是斯坦福大学伯内特·C·和米尔德里德·芬利·沃尔福德生物科学教授,著有《生态位构建:进化中被忽视的过程》(普林斯顿大学出版社)及其他书籍。
斯科特·F·吉尔伯特(Scott F. Gilbert)是斯沃斯莫尔学院的霍华德·A·施奈德曼生物学荣休教授、赫尔辛基大学芬兰杰出教授荣休,并著有广泛使用的教材《发育生物学》。
“ Kevin N. Lala及其同事们通过收集汇总从粪甲虫和虎鲸到狐狸和人类的丰富见解,开始对20世纪进化生物学奠基者构建的舒适理论大厦进行重大改造。通过考虑多种遗传系统(如表观遗传、文化和微生物遗传)、可塑性、发育偏倚和生态位构建对进化理论核心的影响,他们有效地抬高了屋顶,推倒了墙壁,挖掘了基础,旨在构建一个更适合理解21世纪‘无穷尽的美丽与奇妙形式’的理论结构。这是一本引人入胜的读物,对于那些好奇于如何将所有新发现融入达尔文的宏伟理论中,它是一次启发性的探索。”——《我们的成功之秘》作者约瑟夫·亨里希
Evolution Evolving 是对进化理论的一个引人入胜且独特的扩展,突出了胚胎发育过程和创新起源的作用。书中充满了许多动人的例子和引人入胜的故事,但作者毫不含糊地表明,他们的严肃目的是展示细胞和发育机制在物种起源的激动人心的故事中应当占据核心地位。一本精彩的巨著!”——《生命的可能性:解决达尔文困境》的合著者马克·柯施纳